who has weird dreams like i do?

Yesterday i had this weird dream of a very handsome prince who went visiting places. One day he went to the forest and there was a huge pile of rambutans. He smiled at the rambutans and instantly.. the stupid rambutans started letting out sighs and all and they started fighting over him. And how did they fight over him? they peeled open their shells and revealed their white flesh and then jumped onto a plate (ready to be eaten by the prince i guess.). =___=" then once or twice there would be this yellow fleshed rambutan.. and all the other beautiful white ones would GASSP then.. the yellow rambutan would shed its FLESH and its seed would turn out to be.. like the rest of the rambutans and everyone would cheer!! then it would plant itself into the ground. the dream just went on like that until i woke up. seriously. who has weird dreams like i do? WEIIRRRDDD. *groans*

Im just glad i didnt wake up with a sudden urge to eat rambutans. Phew!

-tomorrow, tomorrow, i love ya! tomorrow, you're only a DAY AWWAAAY -