naked molerat


I started shaving my legs... last year? See, I never bothered before that, I mean, its not that i liked having hairy legs or anything, i just didnt see what the big deal was. Its not like it was THAT bad, not visible from far, that's alright! JUST DONT STAND SO CLOSE TO ME!! :D im beautiful from afar, same goes for the acne problem, i guess. Just stand 4 or 5 steps away from me and we'll talk like that... i have boundaries?! HAHAHAHAHA or just dont wear your specs/contacts. Either way, it works.

But yeah no, i never even thought the hair on my legs were a problem until i was in form 4, after or before (can't quite remember the details now, OH IM OLD) sukan, i was sitting with my friends at the assembly ground just talking and laughing and being retarded (cause that was all high school was about, wasnt it? being retarded 24/7 and having no care in the world). when suddenly a guy friend of mine said,

'hey limay, your legs very hairy hor.'








Say what?!?!

So i look down at my legs and suddenly, SUDDENLY the hairs are all jumping out at me and LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME IM SO OBVIOUS WOOHOOOO!! and im like O.O wow, i never noticed you guys before. Hullo. and right after that i became more conscious of it, but i brushed it off and i said it didnt matter. IM TOO YOUNG TO START SHAVING MY LEGS, IM TOO YOOOUUUNNGG, just like how i was too young to start wearing makeup to school, and stuff like that. So i convinced myself that NO ONE CARES, and again, not visible from afar and WHO STARES AT YOUR LEGS TO NOTICE LEG HAIR when you go out with them?


he just HAPPENED to notice cause i was sitting hugging both legs in front of me, so it was noticeable then. right? right? exactly. *nodnod* so i didnt care, still wore my short shorts, mini skirts. Then in my first year in the UK, went to floormates room and we were all talking about it and she's like GASP YOU DON'T SHAVE YOUR LEGS?!?! blablabla (something about her boyfriend pointing it out to her so she realized they care) and i was like NUUOOOHHH I DONT THINK IT MATTERS! and she's like,

'you think it doesn't, but GUYS NOTICE OKAY. IT DOES.'

and im like,

and then she went,
'i have an extra shaver. you want?'


went back to my own room. one day later,

'hey so you said...'


and that's when it started. was genuinely surprised at how fair my legs looked without the hair though. MY LEGS ARE NAKED WITHOUT YOOOUUU, NO AIR, NO AIR. okay, i honestly dont know where that came from, i guess its too early to be blogging? excuses, excuses. but i talked to a lot of my other girlfriends and i think everyone started shaving around the same time. Wow, reality slaps us hard in the face around THE SAME TIME, i don't know about you, but i find that pretty cool. Tempted to high five you all now. :D woohoo, VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE COMING YOUR WAY, hands up or you'll be slapped in the FACE! :D

Its funny though, how girls have to shave their legs and remove underarm hair when guys just have it so easy. WHO STARTED THIS SHIT?!?! So i googled and,

Removal of the hair from the underarms was part of a collection of hygienic or cosmetic practices recommended by Prophet Muhammad (570-632) as consistent with Fitra for both men and women and has since usually been regarded as a requirement by most Muslims.

In the West, the practice began around 1915 in the US and UK, when one or more magazines showed a woman in a dress with shaved underarms. Regular shaving became feasible with the introduction of the safety razor at the beginning of the 20th century. While underarm shaving was quickly adopted in English speaking countries, especially in the US and Canada, it did not become widespread on the Continent of Europe until well after World War II.
... STUPID WOMAN IN THE MAGAZINE. i BLAME YOOOUUUUUU. maybe she had some sort of genetic mutation and just DIDNT have underarm hair. Huh. i think it went from shaving underarm hair, to shaving legs to, removing hair from the ... yeah. HAHAHAHHAHAA reminds me of that conversation we (sara, bren, ping, seng, bryan, yaw) had over lunch? dinner? at MV, how it used to be the trend for women to have lotsa hair, and now its just, YEAH NO HAIR everywhere. HAHAHAHA

evolution gives us hair but we SHAVE IT OFF.
screw evolution? we dont need no hair?
save for the hair on our heads? huh.

Well anyway, its alright, it gives me the opportunity to do shit like this,

summer trip last year, at glasgow
*guy friend lifts pant leg up*

*friend puts pant leg down*
*pant leg up*
*pant leg down*


anyway, back to the books!


break from the books!


So the other day i was making my way to school and the sun was out and honestly, even in this weather, where its cold most of the time, i really still do not appreciate the sun. Hahahaha, its worse here because you don't quite feel the heat, so you don't know it but in reality, you're totally getting super tanned!! NUUUUOOOOOHHHH!!!! i remember last summer i went out with the floormates and sat around in the park for fun, came back an hour or two later and got darker.


if only my brain could absorb information as fast! D: then went on that one month holiday with the family (sisters graduation) came back looking like burnt chicken. WHY YOU LEAVE ME IN THE OVEN FOR SO LONG?!? D: and its a warped up mindset, isnt it? how we all want to be fairer? then i remember my ex-roomie, she's SUPER fair, ive never seen anyone fairer or with better skin. Im not shitting you. and one time i exclaimed at how nice and fair she was and she went,

'yeah.. people here look at me funny.
they think im sick or something and they ask me if im okay.'



trust me. she's not pale. she's just really fair! like snow white! but i still think its hella funny how we wanna be FAIR FAIR FAIR and the people here just really want to be TANNED TANNED TANNED. we all want what we cant have. they cant get enough of the sun and we have too much of it. aaaaaah, life (:


ps. feeling a bit shitty today. but better now. (:

Three to go!


So the paper today wasn't great. At least i had shit to write down, so hopefully i did okay *crossies!!* Was pretty tough and im not sure if i answered the questions correctly but again, HOPEFULLY! *crossies* won't know until results come out, but yeah. (: Time to MOVE ON!!

To think that's supposed to be the least stressful paper.

Man. I dread the other three.

Gotta get started on finance now but i feel so drained!! And the essays (fuuuudging so much stuff to read and remember HOW LAH.. no time!!) and management economics which shouldnt be too bad if the questions arent too difficult i guess. Alright. time to get cracking!! >:O determination face, ON!!!

Naps are for BABIES.

keep on smiling, my lovelies! (:


...and so it shall begin



close my eyes and count to ten.


Exam preparation blues and worries.

What if it's all not enough?


Also, i need to have more faith in my abilities and stop doubting myself so much. Stop preparing for failure before anything even happens. But isn't it better to not expect at all? At least when something good happens I can be happy about it? Blah.

Alright, back to the books.
headache go awaaay, the stress won't let me take naps. >:(

on an unrelated note,

Gossip girl and 90210 season finales, wonderful! (:
Happy endings for all!


SMK Raja Abdullah bullying incident.

Sick. Just so sick.

I couldn't even bring myself to finish watching the video. The poor girl! My friend was saying how they're all still young and if it comes out in the news, their records will be tainted forever. (already out in the star btw) I guess i'm not as nice, not as forgiving, because I think, if they dare to commit the act, then they should dare to face the consequences. 13 is old enough to know better. The fact that they felt proud of their actions and proceeded to add BACKGROUND MUSIC to the video and asked people to 'LIKE' it shows that they're just really freaking messed up in the head. They need to be taught a lesson. They've inflicted irreparable psychological damage on that girl and nothing can change that now. So yes, I think strong action should be taken against them and they need to feel ashamed of themselves. Freaking. ridiculous. Just like ex-cons i guess, they need to prove themselves to society again and earn that respect back. Tainted records? as it should be. These kids deserve to be punished. Seriously. Inexcusable behavior.

link to video here.
read the star's article here.


Edited (10th May):
8tv News report on case,

They get 14 days suspension and the victim has to transfer school? Somehow i feel like justice was not served. They probably dont even feel sorry and feel glad that they managed to chase the girl out of the school. Suet and I were discussing and saying they should probably try to embarrass them instead, in front of the whole school? like stand on stage or wtv crap, cause at that age very jaga muka ma, so probably works better than just suspension. =___=" Blah. not satisfied. Plus, they should all be required to shave bald or something. bitches.

oh found another better video,

oh wtf. she approached her teacher for help and her parents did too but they told her to just transfer school and that they couldnt do anything about it? Okay, that is one hell of a SUCKY school. =___="


Memories made to last.


We didn’t have long talks. Heck, half the time we spent, not talking, but working in the presence of each other. The occasional joke, groans of frustration which eventually led to laughter. My positivity and yours meshed together so well, and even with just the silence, you may have known me better than a lot of other people. No facades, no niceties. You had to put up with my one word replies when I wasn’t in the mood for conversation, my swearing while watching grey’s anatomy (the one with the shooter), my rants when I felt like it. It was nice how things were so easy, so comfortable so fast. But all good things come to an end, and we parted ways without a proper goodbye even. Cause it was easier, for me anyway. Occasionally I think back upon those times, and it makes me laugh. You are really some kind of wonderful, and I’m thankful that you were a part of my life, however short that period was. (:


Slap own forehead, run into wall.

So the other day I was home and the landlord was due to make a visit. He didn't tell me beforehand what time he would be coming, so i thought he'd give me a call before he stopped by. He didnt, but that's alright. I let him and his father in, we said hi, exchanged a few words here and there, then i left them to deal with the problems while i went back to the room to study.

So there i was, happily reading when suddenly, SUDDENLY i remembered that i had put white gunk on my face and because i thought he'd call before he came, i thought i would be able to remove it but he pulled a surprise attack (yes, i shall hereby call it an attack) on me and and, I FORGOT and and.

I just sat there like that for awhile.

Screaming 'NUUUOOOOOOHHH!!!' inside my head. hahaha texted K and sister TT, proceeded to grab tissue to attempt to wipe white gunk off face. ITS TOO LAAAATEEE!! I guess its not a big deal, but if you know me, you know that it is, to me? Landlord and his dad were really nice about it though, they just, pretended it was normal.




On another note, last summer while i was staying at my aunts, my little (okay, not so little anymore BUT FOREVER LITTLE TO ME) cousin walked down the stairs and saw me watching teevee with the white gunk on my face (ah pooh, family), and he went,

'eh? Why do you have white stuff on your face!'
'im trying to be a leopard.'

oh yes, i do try. (;


Anyway, thanks for still reading and visiting. (:

Exams coming up soon, start praying!! Rawr
