SMK Raja Abdullah bullying incident.

Sick. Just so sick.

I couldn't even bring myself to finish watching the video. The poor girl! My friend was saying how they're all still young and if it comes out in the news, their records will be tainted forever. (already out in the star btw) I guess i'm not as nice, not as forgiving, because I think, if they dare to commit the act, then they should dare to face the consequences. 13 is old enough to know better. The fact that they felt proud of their actions and proceeded to add BACKGROUND MUSIC to the video and asked people to 'LIKE' it shows that they're just really freaking messed up in the head. They need to be taught a lesson. They've inflicted irreparable psychological damage on that girl and nothing can change that now. So yes, I think strong action should be taken against them and they need to feel ashamed of themselves. Freaking. ridiculous. Just like ex-cons i guess, they need to prove themselves to society again and earn that respect back. Tainted records? as it should be. These kids deserve to be punished. Seriously. Inexcusable behavior.

link to video here.
read the star's article here.


Edited (10th May):
8tv News report on case,

They get 14 days suspension and the victim has to transfer school? Somehow i feel like justice was not served. They probably dont even feel sorry and feel glad that they managed to chase the girl out of the school. Suet and I were discussing and saying they should probably try to embarrass them instead, in front of the whole school? like stand on stage or wtv crap, cause at that age very jaga muka ma, so probably works better than just suspension. =___=" Blah. not satisfied. Plus, they should all be required to shave bald or something. bitches.

oh found another better video,

oh wtf. she approached her teacher for help and her parents did too but they told her to just transfer school and that they couldnt do anything about it? Okay, that is one hell of a SUCKY school. =___="
