Point in White

FOR THE PEOPLE THAT MISS ME AND ARE ALREADY STARTING TO FORGET HOW I LOOK LIKE. TT (random pictures from airport at bali, because flight was delayed for... a number of hours, i dont recall i dont recall i dont recall *bangs head on wall*)


no honestly im only putting pictures up because A CERTAIN SOMEBODY says my blog lacks photos and hence FAILS (tsssh, cause how could you guys ever forget how i look like right? lalala). *ahem-hem* though i think THAT SOMEBODY meant pictures of london, but EVERYBODY has already posted up the same photos. its like, same landmarks, different people in the photograph. =___=" not sien meh?

But anyway, i shall post a picture i took in london in every post from now, and if i run out of pictures, then perhaps i'll take more? =( omg what happened to the camwhore in me? NUUUOOOHHHH!!! liyiiiing, weijian, you're gonna have to help me do my share and camwhore more in my place. *sniff sniffff* I HAVE FAITH IN YOOOU, do not fall into this dark place that i have fallen to, where people think taking photos are just 'okay.' =( life as i know it has come to an end. its the start of a new era.

This is the photograph for this post,
Buckingham palace, loves!
(just before watching Wicked, which was btw, wickedly awesome!)

Okay, now that we're done with that, on to more interesting matters,

The reading for psychology class this week. (we had two, but this is the interesting one) do click and read for yourself. XD its highly amusing!!


ultimate lolness. HAVE FUN!

Oh yeah, and for people who have not been talking to me and hence not been updated, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. *mainlycoughbrendacough* do use your telepathic mind and know what im trying to communicate across to you here. =D

At my floor (in my hall), theres three rooms. My room, another shared room (2 girls) and a single room (a guy). So, the girls from the other room dont bother to lock their doors when they sleep and one night,


at like around 3am? the guy kinda went into their room, cause he was drunk (or so i believe) and just stood there watching one of the girls as she slept (omg?) she woke up but thought it was her roommate, so just drifted back to sleep. then she woke up again, and the guy was still there, THEN she realised it wasnt her roomie. the guy went over to her bed and knelt beside the bed and told her he had a crush on her and asked her to go to his room.


she said no and managed to get him to go out of the room. thankfully he didnt do anything to her. *now you can exhale* dont worry for me though, imma fine, i ALWAYS lock my room door. hoho, paranoia comes in handy! (suping, this counts for a highfive)

thought he was pretty nice and friendly at first though. i dont know if he doesnt remember anything or what? but he hasnt apologised to the girl since. So perhaps he doesnt remember? Well either way, i dont really care, dont see him around anyway =)

ps. having trouble with math =( sigh, I NEED A BRYAN HERE!!