Stalker tendencies pays off

Funny little story today... so i was supposed to go for my course orientation today... had to walk to uni alone because i didnt know any other persons from my hall who were going, well i did know one girl, but i didnt take down her number so *shrug*. Anyway, its really easy to get from my hall to the uni, all you've got to do is walk STRAIGHT AAAAAAAAALL the way. SERIOUSLY.

So there i was, walking straight... straight... straight. pretty fast pace too, got a teensy bit annoyed because i was walking at this fast pace but all the Europeans were walking at this nice slow relaxed pace and were STILL faster than me. they were overtaking me left, right, everywhere!! =( SHORT LEGS. GRR!! anyway, so i was walking walking walking WALKING DAMN LONG but i still had not arrived at the uni, so i was like oh shit, am i LOST AGAIN (yes i got lost the previous day.. ohohoho shuttup you.)?!??!! and i texted nick, 'haha i think im lost. im at fishers street.' and he texted back that he didnt know where that was. and im like =(

then suddenly i saw this guy with the lse orientation 2009 small booklet (which is hung on the neck) thing and i was like WHOOP! so i started stalking him XD OHOHOHOHOHOHO he was walking at LIGHTNING SPEED i was having a hard time following after him. thankfully there was this traffic light. so i walked up next to him and went,

'do you know the way to lse?'

because he may have very well been walking to somewhere else.

'yeah im actually going there myself right now'
'oh good, because i dont know the way and im kinda lost'
'its your 3rd day here and you still dont know the way?'


haha but it was cool. he was really nice! I could actually click with him! like he said that he's staying at one of the IC halls so he hasnt met many lse students and its kind of lonely. so i was like 'AH THATS OKAY, NOW YOU'VE MET ME!!!!' and we both went like 'HAAAAH' (the whole pointing and HEHEH thing. you know you know? OHOHOHO) i love it when i meet my kind of people, so hard to come by, really! just a stroke of luck! (note: i WAS on the right way, i just had to walk on a little further)

course orientation was alright. Met lots of people. What's cool is peoples reaction when i tell them im from Malaysia. I get responses such as,


and some of them start naming malaysians from their hall, but i dont know ANY of them =.= whoops? kinda funny still. MALAYSIANS INVADING THE SPACE NEAR YOU. ohohoho =D watch out world.

after my orientation thing, i walked back to my hall, came on skype and talked to dad and sis and realised that i had to walk all the way back to uni because the bank is there (bank appointment). i was like OH GOD. NOOOOOO. SO. BLOODY. FAR. =( but i had no choice. i left my hall pretty late and had only 17 minutes to get there.

and you know on the leaflet they wrote 20 minutes distance away from lse? =_=" HORRIBLE. i was speed walking all the way. my shoelaces became undone but i couldnt bend down and do them up because i had NO TIME to. i crossed the road even when the light was red (haha just look both ways before crossing laaaah, just like msia), and felt like such a BAD ASS. like OOH LOOK AT ME, CROSSING ON RED.

okay fine, so lots of people was doing it too.


i syiok sendiri. XD story of my life.

went to the bank place was sweating and everything. BLEAAAAAH. bumped into thengseng, calvin and erm, yeelian was it? guy who was filing the papers for me is 19 too! so young! he was telling us (me and sis) that he started working right after high school, because he didnt wanna study no more, wanted to come out and earn money. lol he was really funny =D

ps. the pigeons here are bloody fearless. you walk up to them thinking they'll fly away like REGULAR birds but they just stare back at you with their beady little eyes, daring you to take a step closer. perhaps they have allies close by that will poop on you if you take on the challenge, i dont know. me no likey the brave ass pigeons!! I like regular birds.


bryan chong said...
