Raising eyebrows

What I took away from my first psychology class:-

Science is the accumulation of useless and boring knowledge.
Scientists are not humans, they are above humans.
Scientists do not have feelings, they do not have emotions.
Scientists are not committed to goals.
Scientists have no values.

honestly, its just WEEEIRD.

Lecture has been going fine though, perhaps it gets better? *prays* oh and the first thing the lecturer said when we entered the class,

'There are a few things you should know about me. Not everything, but just a few things since we'll be spending the rest of the term together. I have a few character flaws, I have low tolerance for stupidity, i do not like stupid people. So do not ask stupid questions or i will get angry. And you won't like it when i get angry. And if any point of time you feel that i don't like you, it's because i don't. I do not treat everyone the same, i have favorites.'

(or something like that)

Plus, he's the guy who wrote all the articles and the book we have to read. =___=" omg omg omg. Japanese guy, kind of reminds me of those samurai movies, their sifu, damn stern and sort of scary. Know the kind? he totally emits the same kind of aura, im not even kidding. At any second hes gonna whip out his katana and slash us and use us for the sake of gaining more knowledge, cause human life means nothing. blablablbalbalbalbla...


Anyway, been watching the big bang theory lately,
Totally loving it. XD LOVE LOVE LOVE SHELDON.

Can't seem to get my study engine to get a move on. Took me three days just to read up my econs, which was just 20 pages. I am ashamed of myself TT procrastination bug, please please go away, come again during the holidays.
