i want i wannnnt


Mah sexy (going to be sexier after braces) TEETH!!!

Im going to be making braces. so, this is the mould of my imperfect teeth. =D the ones marked with the cross are the ones that are to be extracted. I already extracted the two teeth on my left side. Nope, it wasnt painful.

(if you think the mould is disgusting, i have NO COMMENT. its just TEETH la, friendddd... lolz, go stare at yours and tell me if you think THATS disgusting. BWAHHAHA. i actually think the mold is pretty cool. xp)

Anyway, i was really pretty afraid of the Jabs i had to take before the extraction of the two tooths. But seriously, it was NOTHING. Perhaps its because i expected it to be MUCH MUUUCH worse than that, so since it was below my expectations, it wasnt painful. Its like a movie, have too high expectations for it, and you might be disappointed, have no expectations/ low expectations for it and you'd might think its rather good. Same theory.

To tell you the truth, i actually laughed a bit when the needle was in my mouth. IM AN IDIOT. i knnoooow. the orthodontist was like 'DONT LAUGH DONT LAAUGH!! DONT MOOOOVEE!!' xp. Gosh! dangerous! i had to hold back my laugh and tried to stay sane for a bit longer (at least until the stupid needle was out of my mouth) what exactly did i find funny? well, there was the fact that i kept saying 'ow ow ow ow ow' when the needle was in there, and perhaps i found that rather ridiculous. seriously? i dont quite remember, maybe i was just feeling high or something. XD

thats what the orthodontist said. 'Shes naturally high wan lar.' *omg xp*

And anyway, i finished reading 'The Nanny' today. Its a pretty good book, WITH NO DIRTY PARTS IN IT SO ITS SAFE TO READ (just ignore the foul words that appear once in awhile). Its funny, cute and I TOTALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH JOSH. *JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS* i literally laughed out loud and squealed in class while reading the book. xp (yen hsian witnessed it all, ah, shes seen me at my worst, so seriously, i dont really care if she sees more retarded moments of me. xp LOVE HER) JOSH IS LIKE, SUCH AN INTERESTING, CHARMING, WITTY, HAWT HAWT HAWT character!!!

Gimme mah JOSH, dammit.

- Why? simple - because i want to -


Anonymous said...

LOL that's quite dumb may xD . I bet the dentist think you're crazy . Injection also happy xD .

PureViLmay said...

what can i say?
im a very happy person. XD