
OMG i came home today and mom was asking about my exam..

then after that she was like
'arent you forgetting something?'

and i was like.. huh?! then.. then... something clicked in my head
i ran to the computer and scrolled over the time..

sure enough.
16th of Nov

Happy Birthday Mommy!
i mean i was just so caught up with the exams i know whens her birthday and all but i jsut DIDNT REALISE today WAS THE 16TH!!!! the exam papers dont need a date and all, so i just didnt bother keeping track of time and days and all and GAAAAAAAAH!! IM HORRID. SLAP ME SLAP ME SLAP ME. x(

Anyway, me Loves mah mumsie..
and me izzah so teh sorry
... x(

For everything she has done for me,
For always being there for me,
When im stressed when im breaking down.
Always there to assure me its okay,
Putting up with my temper and my foul moods,


Mommy is my WORLD.
Dont know what i'd do without her.
Between a drowning boyfriend and mah mother.
...I'd pick mom.
now im gonna be single for life cuz all the guys are gonna go
'so im not worth saving lar'
HAHA. shuttup.
family comes first. xp
ps. Mom's bday. mah 555 post. loves.