
yea..today is like every other day- a holiday. yea right..okay fine, so maybe every other day is NOT a holiday, who the heck cares anyway? okay, maybe i do. i like holidays...its fun! you don't have to study! you don't have to do your homework! you can relax! watch the tv! come online! go crazy! start shouting in your room! go for outings! take a bath! brush your teeth! oh wait..you do that everyday whether or not there is a holiday..what am i blaberring about? yea...I. AM. OFFICIALLY. BORED. you saw that? Big Capital Letters. yes! i am bored. no ones online! probably sleeping like pigs at home..why aren't I sleeping too?!??!! oh yea..i can't..i woke up already..what's the matter with me??!?! should've gone back to sleep. and you know what?! to top that all off...ALL meaning the i-woke-up-so-early-bored-like-shit...i am missing one side of my shoe!! apparently...when eu chern, jeffrey, jaqueline and wei jian came to my house before we all went to the LRT station, one of em wore one side of my shcool shoe and left me with theirs..mind you, i bathed and therfore was wearing sandles and DID NOT notice i was missing one side of my school shoes until i woke up the next day. the shoe had different cutting!! I MEAN DIFFERENT CUTTING!! DiFFerEnT cUTtIng!!! how could someone possibly NOT know it was a different shoe he/she wasw wearing?!??! no one is THAT blurr!! okay..maybe i'm wrong..yea so anyway, i called eu chern and jeff..and they say its not theirs, jaq is at camp..and wei jian, i called his hp, and his mum picked up, i think it was his mums, and i think she was hosting something, well i don't know, so she asked me to call back at 1 and i was like..oh...and i din't call back after that...i mean, what if i call back and the mum is still doing something, busy or something, that wouldn't be nice. sop i want his house phone num. but does anyone have it?!!??! NO. or maybe its juts cuz i didn't ask that many people yet..oh well..ask later. MY POOR SHOE!! where are you?!?!?! *sob* *sob* anyway.i spent the whole day yesterday comiong online, watching dvd's, coming online, watching tv, coming online, watching dvd, coming online..you get the message right? okay, so i also did talk on the phone...cuz my friend, sara was also bored like hell...she was DYING..just like me...so yea, we talked...TALKED and TALKED...meaning..for a very long time..yea..snap! i still have my history project to do..and art..oh man..why am i doomed with this..such terrible fate befalls on me..*blek* ouch..and i wanna go to the simple plan concert...going to buy tickets tomorrow, the last time i went, they were already closed..stupid! dissapointed..hopefully there's still tickets..or else..or else..i'll kill somebody!! hahaha...gonna go cut my hair tomorrow..and then i'll go for this outing with my friends..and then go out with my family...yea..tomorrow will be a great day, i hope...i think...nah.it will be. so anyway, i just like to thank my blog for making my day by letting me type here...wasting a few minutes of my time...well, at least i'm not watching tv anymore..but i'm sure i'm gonna go watch later...but..i just like to say..i'm forever in your debt..i love you my precious blog!! riiight...*swt* *swt*..oh yea, exam wasn't that good...i think my first term is gonna turn out kinda bad..crap...why'd they have to put the exam after the chinese new year break? i mean, they can't be serious as in asking us to study when everyone is gambling! chanting 'picture! picture!' screaming after they win..dvd is on, my cousins running all over the place, computer upstairs being played by some other cousins..i mean..oh puh-lease..even if one TRIED to study..well, its impossible!! yea..so i think i did a bit badly..but heck, dun wanna think about it this holiday...die after the holiday..live during the holidays..yea...okie i think i dun wanna type adi..thanks again..peace out~


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