
i woke up this morning and it felt like just another day.

heck it prolly is actually
I was watching a show just now and i suddenly feel so overwhelmed with love, and happiness and gratefulness and i started crying. And now i cant stop. I dont know if you guys ever felt like this before, maybe im just odd, or a little off today. I dont know, but its like i've achieved a certian amount of clarity.
and i just want to tell two of my 'bum's (NOT LITERALLY LA IDIOTS) how much i love them =)
im thankful for all they have brought into my life. Im glad they are a part of it, and i can never bear to lose them. They're like my best friends, my family and so much more to me now, and i dont know.. i just feel so happy. hahaa. i cant explain how im feeling right now, im TRYING to but really... SO EMOTIONAL x)
(you know who you are)
hugs and kisses and so much more.
'how are you going to survive without me?'
'i hope i never have to'