
The seminar today was a BORE. i mean, i wouldn't know how the back part was, cuz we left early to bryans house. it was too darn stupid fro us to stay and listen somemore. i mean, SERIOUSLY! you have no idea. Brenda and sara slept. i felt like sleeping myself. BOOOORING!

at first it was the speeches, in which they said, 'the most important thing today i to SMILE!' i was like thinking...what the hell? SMILE!?! whats that gotta do with anything, right? and then there was the talk about atom bomb bombing hiroshima *no nagasaki was not mentioned* saying, 'NOW THEY HAVE NUCLEAR! WHICH IS TEN TIMES WORSE THAN THE ATOM BOMB! YOU WANT US TO BE BOMBED!?!' and stuff like that. That was weird. whats it all gotta do with PMR!?! IM HERE FOR THE PMR SEMINAR! HELLO!?!?!

but like su ping said every single time i complained, 'Its free. Don't complain.' so yea. Plus, we had free food and a free shirt, which i forgot to take out of kwan seng's bag. Whoops. ehehehee..oh, and i saw my cousin there. Shaun. Wasn't really nice, cuz he din even bother to say hi to my friends. meanie. i mean, i was like there saying. THIS IS MY COUSIN SHAUN! and he just walked away and smiled at me everytime i waled pass. Bummer dude. Maybe cuz HIS friends were there. Sweat-ness. i mean, i was sooooo excited to see him! i had no idea he was going too, guess guys just have premonitions, like...'oh look, my couz Li May is here, no surprise!' *shrug* SWT. meanie.

Aaaanyway, we skipped the stupid seminar after lunch and went to bryans house to watch constantine. the taxi driver was REALLY hilarious, talking to us like we were his friends or soemthing. Plus, he looked like a mad scientist. it was his hair, i swear. constantine was irritating. there were no subtitles and they were talking so soft! so in the end, i dind't get a single thing of the movie. ==, didn't know who was good and who was bad.

In between the movie, Kwan seng kept scaring Jaq, making her scream and all. and when the woman in the show, Angela's shirt was like half transperant cuz it was wet, Guo Yaw made stupid noises. It was funny though. Kwan seng cracked jokes too. so in the end, the show wasn't that least it was filled with laughter, right? hah.

and today is brenda's Dad's birthday so...




oh...its totally booooooooooring

n yea....kwan seng >.< n his stupid tricks....

"saturday night fever! u know how to do it!!"