
another non-article-but-whatever article by NG LI MAY.

Miss Fong at her peek

PETALING JAYA- 3B2 was as always, noisy and unatentive as Miss Fong stepped into the classroom, well, at least MOST of the class was. The usual good students aka Jaqueline, Ng Chor Ken (if thats how you spell his name), Yong You Siang, the most hated guy in class and his "gang" were listening to what she was saying, probably feeling sorry for her as no one was paying any attention at all. The Poor Woman.It was obvious when Miss Fong marched over to Hoo ZI Wei's table and screamed SHUT UP at the class that she was mighty angry and cuoldn't take it anymore, so everyone decided to keep it down. No sound was to be heard, i bet you could even hear pin drop, if anyone WAS to drop a pin or something. She started scolding Hoo Zi Wei for not copying the notes and called us all brainless fools because, i quote miss fong, ' why would i ask you all to copy this if it wasn't important? why do you come to school? Use your brain la!' and mind you, she was using broken english as she let it out on us, that was one hell of a magnificent touch. everyone mellowed down after the scolding, we wouldn't want to be screamed shut up at again now, do we? hell no. but yea, the students started chabbering away once more, in whispers. At the end of the class, miss fong said, ' DO YOUR HOMEWORK OR GET OUT OF THE CLASS TOMORROW.' not much of an option if you ask me. So i think all the students decided to do the HOMEWORK. then again, we'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out.

Ps. This DID happen. seriously. kinda unexpected though. and yea, i DID do the HOMEWORK. im not gonna stand outside!