Finding your inner peace.

Its frighteningly easy to get petty about things. It can settle down in a corner of your mind and then eat away at your brain, and as it feeds, it grows and grows, and grows into that something ugly you wish never existed, and somehow, when you think back on it all, you don't understand how things got that bad, how something small transformed and evolved into something that big of a deal.

Cause really, when you think about it, really really, think about it, what started it all was a pretty trivial thing. It was something you could have shrugged away and forgave, but at that moment, at that point in time, you chose not to. And so it festered. And you think about it now, and you know that its nothing, you KNOW that it is nothing, but it has consumed so much of your time and effort and so much energy went into it that you just cant seem to let it go. No. Its not just about that little thing anymore, its about so much more.

Only its not.

It really all boils down to that one thing. that one time.

So, what do you do?

You learn to let go.

We're not teenagers anymore, the time for being dramatic has passed. Find your inner peace (OHOHOH KUNGFU PANDA REFERENCE, YO).

Sorry for the random post! Can't seem to get into serious study mode today, so this is my way of procrastinating. (: On a very unrelated note, I am missing my best friend.


Its funny how we both miss each other so much especially after watching an episode of greys. We watch meredith and christina, and we both just go AAWWW, and instantly think of each other. Warms my heart (:
