Scarf Monster Projects #2

note: wrote this post on the 11th of nov, but couldnt post it, but now that i've finally given the scarf away (:

meet ninja khai,
Victim #3
(victim #2 not up yet)

I noticed (and im sure the rest of you did too) that i say 'REALLY REALLY' and 'BAD' a lot. Yes loves, that is the range of my vocab. Soree, my england is veri bad. OH THERE I GO AGAIN. xp but seriously.

And then i said THIRTEEN without the 'TH'

My standard 1 BM teacher would be so proud of me, i think i did sorta do the whole 'rrr' thing with my thirteen there (very subtle but yeah). I remember she would give out sweets (SUGUS! untuk kanak BAGUS!) to the good kids, and i got lotsa lotsa candy cause i was an angel in primary school. Trust! save for the fact that i talked a lot i guess, i was great! did all my homework, listened in class and all that crap :D oh and that one time after PE class in standard 1 we had to put on our uniform and i put on my shirt backwards and i didnt know so i couldnt button my shirt and i was just flailing my arms about,



and i was about to burst into tears. =___=" and then my teacher saw that little kid in distress flailing about like an octopus outta water (i dont know why octopus but i guess its cause they have a lot of arms? shush.) and came to save me. I think i was quite embarrassed. ): But no one laughed at me cause little kids are cool like that, they dont care about things like this HAHAHAHA

Ah, the struggles of a 7 year old.

well anyway. (: hope the loves enjoy the scarves and it keeps them both warm during the winter months!! Brr!! :D