knocking them down, one wall at a time

You know, im always pretty easily influenced i guess. I'd say i dont care what people think about me, but i do. I guess we all do, to some extent. Even more so now. I don't know why. I wonder if its what age does to you. You suddenly become more aware of your surroundings and realize that HEY! people are constantly judging you and its not OKAY to do this or do that or whatever. Stupid society, stupid rules, stupid everything. You know what im talking about.

Before i came over, ive never once in my life eaten healthy cereal slash oats. And then i came over. Everything changed. Went grocery shopping with my ex-roomie and my floormates (ages ago). Walked to the cereal section. They reached out for these freaking healthy cereals and there i am starring at kids cereals. CocoPops, Frosties, the likes. But i catch them taking the healthy cereals, and i make my eyes glaze over the kiddy ones like i just dont give a shit. Like im higher than they are, oh yeah. IM ALL GROWN UP NOW. Grown up kids eat healthy cereal. Grown up kids... oh fudge, which one to choose.

There's these wide array of brands to choose from and i dont know whats good and whats not and i dont wanna be retarded and pick the one that THEY picked because like, IM NOT COPYING YOOOU, this is NOT MY FIRST TIME buying HEALTHY CEREAL!! *ahem* but it so is. So i take a chance and i get the healthy cereal and psych myself into thinking that HEY ITS NOT THAT BAD. THIS IS ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD!

*big smile*

aaaw look who's all grown up now.
Eating all healthy and shit.
Look who's all grown up now.

And then i skype with my cousin one day.

and he flashes Frosties in front of the webcam.

And the kid inside of me is screaming. I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT. YOR. JEAALOOUUUSSSSS. So i go to the supermarket and get my cocopops. screw society. screw peer pressure. screw healthy eating, oh my kids are gonna LOOOVE me. And the healthy cereal gets left behind in the dust. I guess deeeeep inside, im always going to be a cocopops kind of girl.

You try to change. You put up fronts.
You don't want the world to see you as you are.

But it all falls away anyway.


Slowly but surely.
Finding my footing.

cocopops is a stupid example. I KNOW. SHUTTUP.

...but CocoPops is YUM.