Huggies pampers.

'eh John! I think you forgot something!'
'come here! I think you forgot something!'

and he walks over with his arms wide open. Hah, i love how he knows what he forgot like *snap* straight away. But HanHien blocks him and tries to hug me instead, but i dont want to hug HanHien cause hes all sweaty and icky and hasn't taken his bath when he was supposed to like EONS ago. Told him i would only hug him after he bathed but NOOOOOO. looool, so John pushes him back and i get to hug John, and HanHiens like,

*group hug*

'eh! what are you doing lah!'
'im hugging you also laaaaa'
'but you're dirty butt!! I dont want to hug dirty butt!'

*doesnt care and continues hugging*

daaaaw. I love these kids.

Im going to miss this the most when they grow into early teen stage. You know how they get when they're at that stage. When you ask them for a hug, they just walk over to you and give you the limp jellyfish, ie, just stand there and let you hug them for awhile and passes that off as YES I'VE HUGGED YOU. and then groans when the hug gets too long, cause they're embarrassed by it. and if you go,


they awkwardly pat you on the back, and yes, thats the BEST they can do. LOL hella funny. One of my cousins is currently in the limp jellyfish age and spent most of the day going,


naw, but i know thats just a code to cover his shyness. ITS TOTALLY OKAY BOY, i understand. *nodnod* xp totally love how hes so shy, so i purposely bother him more and hug him more. And in the car, he was surprised i used the seatbelt at the backseat, so i said,

'yeah, too young to die, y'know?'

and then he went
'YER LIMAY! embarrassing!'

and then i went into LOCKDOWN MODE, caught him in a hug and went,
'yeah and since you wont wear yours, i guess i'll just have to be YOUR SEATBELT. HOHO'

its totally awesome.

After they get past the limp jellyfish stage, it should be okay though. I mean, they dont exactly walk over and hug you on DEMAND anymore, but they hug you when its time to leave or when you arrive, so thats okay i guess. HAHAHA, and thats when they're in their late teens. Meh, so much gap in between, thank goodness for the niece/nephew on the way HOHO

Also, just to show that persistency pays off, at least with me =__="

Note: John was over at HanHien's place yesterday and they camped outside in the garden.

'Hey hey, do you want to see my tent?'

Cause it was HOT outside and the house was cooling and niiiicee.

Mere seconds later,
'Hey hey, do you want to see my tent?'

*sad face*

'okay okay, i'll come see your tent.'

*runs excitedly*

bah. (: