BuddyNg the Family Dog

Food for thought :
Its easy to place the blame on others, to see what another has done wrong, to say what another could have done differently, but what about you?


If you haven't seen the pictures on facebook or met him irl,
Buddy is all grown up now! (:

him and his tennis ball!

Immensely proud of him! Nowadays when i say 'hey boy! where's your ball? where's your ball? hmm? Where is it?' He actually knows what im talking about and go gets it, or if its stuck somewhere he runs to where it is then looks up at me. So we play fetch. He likes chasing after the ball and grabbing it and walking back to me, even listens to instructions and sits in front of me like a good boy with the ball in his mouth.

But hes SUPER possessive. I go, 'okay, now boy, let go! let go of the ball!' and he just ignores. Stares back at me defiantly and when i try to grab the ball he just turns away like NOOOOO its like hes playing a little game with me. He doesnt bother to run away, i just have to somehow manage to yank the ball away from him. Gyar! Watched Ceasar Milan's show 'Dog Whisperer' (downloaded by my sister) and in the show he said that you must take the toy from the dog, if the dog refuses to give the toy to you, its cause hes showing that hes the dominant one, so you've got to snatch the toy away from him and show him that YOU'RE the MASTER.

TT i've yanked it from him so many times. It doesnt work.

Hey boy, im the master you knoooowww.
Or do you just not get the concept? TT

Like Bryan said, Buddy has this don't care don't care attitude. looool. And often he won't layan you. If you run to one end of the car porch, he'd probably run halfway and then stand there and watch you as if saying 'whatchu doing, eh?' I thought dogs LIKED to chase after running people. NOT MY DOG. HE QUESTIONS YOU.

But he does like to follow me around. So i like to confuse him by making lotsa turns (basically walking in circles). Maybe thats why he ignores me sometimes. Huh. Well, that explains everything.

Really good boy though. Doesn't bark.
Listens to instructions most of the time.

Knows not to enter the house.
He just sits outside in front of the door and waits for you to come out. If you dont play with him, thats what he does. Just sit outside and wait. And then when you open the door, you see that cute, eager face. Like PLAY WITH ME! PLAY WITH ME! and you're like AAAAAWWWW *pat pat, hug* and then he gets his fur and drool all over you.


Then hes more responsive to your calls and everything. Because he likes the company and hes been alone outside for way too long. HAHAHAHHAHAA its like, 'I'LL BE GOOD, so PLAY WITH ME, OKAY?' (: Supah adorable. And when you sit on the chair, he sits really really close to you and tries to put his head on your thigh, like asking to be stroked or something. Only its kind of disgusting because his drool will fall on you so its like EEEWWWW hahahahahaha Buddy. tsk tsk.

When hes in one of his 'being good' moods, i'd take the opportunity to camwhore with him. HAHAHA OF COURSE RIGHT?!?!
But the boy really doesn't like taking pictures. He always looks somewhere else =__=" wherever the camera is, he'll just TURN AWAY. So frustrating, very difficult to get a nice shot. THATS THE BEST I COULD DO. TT What happened to the days where he used to be all curious of the camera and look at it so i could take kick ass nice photos huh? WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE GLORIOUS DAAAAYYSSS??!?!

And, he gives me this TIME LIMIT. He'd be good and just sit there and lemme hug him and snap photos (though he'd turn away most of the time) but after that time is up, he ducks and moves out from the hug, and hes ready to go play again. Frustrating. hahaha
It was so funny. This morning, I was watching the teevee when i heard the klinking sound of his collar, so i knew he was out of his cage. So i opened the front door and called out to him. NO REPLY. GASP. THATS ODD. He'd usually be already waiting at the door or come running at the sound of the door unlocking. Weird. So i called out to him again. Still no Buddy, but the klinking sound of his collar was pretty loud so i knew he was near.

Then i saw the boy peeping out from the far end of the car porch at the dustbin area. Think the small gate must have been open and the little explorer went in and the wind blew and swung it shut. Poor boy got stuck. He's all COME SAVE ME! IM HERE IM HERE!

daaaaaaww (:
The little majesty.

Okay, so most people probably stopped reading after the first paragraph and just scrolled through the pictures TT WHO BLOGS ABOUT THEIR DOGS LIKE THIS?!?! TT So imma gonna stop. Awesome dog though, prolly gonna really miss him once i go back to the UK, one more month. Boo.

My Dog is awesome, he can impersonate cartoon characters.
That's him impersonating Dumbo right there. ;)

Ps. The sisters leaving to UK in 3 hours time. Boo.
pps. enjoy.