So i went out for a run today with my dad. Haven't ran in SUCH A LONG TIME!! i mean, i can walk lots but running is different! So anyway, it felt SO GOOD to feel the wind against my face and feel like WHOOSH! road runner! BEEP BEEP! look at me! and zooming past all the vehicles that were stand still cause they were parked at the road side, but ah, a little make believe does nobody any harm, eh? *nudge nudge wink wink*

Im totally fit now.



Okay, so i lie. It was HOT, i felt NO WIND AGAINST MY FACE, and even if i did, i dont recall. YOU CALL THAT WIND!?!? shame! I felt icky, sticky, yucky (haha i sound like a kid talking about vegetables) and i could feel the beady sweat trickling down my back. And i felt like an egghead because i had my hair all tied back and my fringe pinned up. EGGHEAD I TELL YOU and then slightly like a horse too, because my ponytail kept swishing here and there side to side as if keeping the flies at bay.

But overall, it was pretty okay.

Going for a run again tomorrow (:

Keeping the parents company and getting strong ass legs that can kick unwanted strangers away. Oh yeah, BEWARE. I is awesome and teh powerful. =__=" well anyway, i wanted to update about my trip but theres just SO MUCH to write about and im afraid the time may have passed (as happened to the post on bali that never happened), we'll see. SO MUCH DRAMA! We'll see, we'll see *nod nod*.

Also, done reading Men from the boys, will do a short post on it tomorrow or something, again, we'll see. (: Will end this post with a short quote from Peter Pan, the part that makes me crack up laughing every time i watch it. Ending line is just EPIC. Gets to me every time. Me likes. Enjoy!
What's this I see? 'Tis the fair Wendy.
She's in her nursery. The window's shut.
I'll open it!

I'm afraid the window's barred.
I'll call out her name.

She can't hear you.

She can't see you.

She's forgotten all about you.
Stop! Please! Stop it!

And what is this I see? There is another in your place.
He is called... husband.

-peter pan, the movie

Next read : Freakonomics ;)