So I watched Alien Vs Predator 2 yesterday. The show itself isn't scary AT ALL, not in the least. But they inserted LOUD noises everywhere and that kinda sucked. Its not like you're REALLY scared, but the loud noise catches you off guard and you just jump right outta your skin! and they like the put SCARY sounds EVERYWHERE, even when there's NOTHING. =___="

oh right, and the actors in the movie CANNOT ACT.
which really made me go *yawn*
And as my sister was saying
'you realise how when its the alien or the predator attacking humans we're all scared but when they're attacking each other we're not.'
That is so true! XD when they're attacking each other (well generally you're supposed to be like SIDING the predator since it's kinda PROTECTING us, but who the hell want to side that thing *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* after it skinned that policeman alive?!) we're just watching passively to see who dies. And since i've already mentioned the skinning the man alive part, I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THE PREDATOR HAD TO GO ON AND DO THAT. it makes NO SENSE.
Seriously. It has so much time it just HAD to do that? Its not like it went on and did that to all the other victims it had. Just THAT ONE GUY. =___=" I dont get it. Trying to make the show gross but just making it a ridiculous. Oh and my sister mentioned something, the alien acid in this show is SO MUCH STRONGER than in the last movie. retarded.
Only ONE predator came down to earth to kill SO MANY ALIENS. What a LONER. =___=" It had NO HELP AT ALL unlike the first movie where there were SO MANY OF THEM. Odd, really. Odd. and i realised the predator is pretty thin. Karen and i were also saying how it was weird that the predator destroyed some bodies *by pouring acid over them* but didnt destroy some others. Its like, THEN WHATS THE POINT, MATE?! Stupid movie indeed.
Oh right and Sisters' friend was saying that the other day she watched I AM LEGEND, there was this row of kids sitting in front of her shouting 'mati mati mati!' as she was clutching the movie tickets in front of her eyes. XD
No longer are they scared of zombies and all. Again, before i take my leave. WILL SMITH ARH!! *sniff* SO DISAPPOINTING ARRRHH!!!


Like.No.Other said...

I strongly agree