The book-once upon a blind date

Once upon a blind date by wendy markham

The scene I like, where Charlie is drunk and he is talking out his feelings towards Maggie to Julie.

*C stands for Charlie and J stands for Julie*

C: I'm not lonely!
J:sure you are
C:No way, I have you. You wanna go to French Riviera? I have to use my tickets in the next few days, or I'll lose them.
J: charlie, I'm just your friend. You don't want to bring me. that was supposed to be your honeymoon.
C:see? you're right. you are my friend. I'm not lonely if I have you, and I have Butts...thats two..

he's counting off his fingers.

C:I have prairie dog. I have pork. That's four.

He stares sadly down at his unclaimed thumb.

C:maybe tha's not enough?
J:I don't think it is
C:do you think I need five?
J:Could be.
C:okay, maybe I need Maggie, maybe she can be my thumb.

Julie pats his arm.

J:that's the smartest thing you've said yet.i just wish you were going to remember it in the morning.

He bolts out of his seat.

C:Morning? Is it-?
J:no its-
C:when iss morning, I have to work. I have to write my column. Iss late. What am I gonna write about, huh, Julie?should I write about Maggie and how she can be my thumb?
J:I dunno, your readers might not get it.
C:'But I want to write about Maggie,' he says fervently.'I want to because- on man, oh man I knew it.'
J:what did you know?
C:I love her, Did I ever tell you that, Jul?
J:'No,'Julie says, 'you never did'
C:well...i do
J:that's great Charlie! Maybe you should tell her!
C:'NO!' he protests, horrified. 'I can’t tell her, No Way! Cause Maggie doesn't love me, she loves broccoli instead. cause broccoli 's good for you, even though it stinks.'
J:'just when I thought you were making sense..' Julie sighs. 'I'll go make some coffee.'


chibiBren said...

you and your book. hah. i want a thumb too.

PureViLmay said...

me too~~

LoL..we want MAGGIE!


guys and their stupid assumptions!