Tagged by Caitlin

Once you've been tagged, you have to list down 16 random things, habits or goals about you. Lastly, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names, and why you chose them.

1. I say random words, and stick to saying them for days/weeks, just because they sound cute to me. Eg, STARFISH!! I said that last year as a greeting, as something to fill in the silence, when i felt happy. Currently am adding O's to almost every word i say. For example, "we're HOMOS!" <-- we're HOME. i laughed about this the first time i said it, because i hadn't thought about it before i said it aloud, but it grew on me =.=

2. I like cute things more than i like pretty things. Cute things make you go KYAAAAAA!! <3

3. I dislike arrogance in people. A lot of people confuse arrogance with confidence. Its a fine line, i agree. I guess i just sorta dislike people with too much confidence, sorta makes me wanna slap them. xp xp xp. Being humble rocks everyones socks off!

4. Sometimes i feel very dettached from my life. Like everythings happening but im not really feeling it. Its like im trapped somewhere else and im just looking on as everything unfolds. I dont like that feeling. I space out a lot.

5. I sincerely believe that theres someone up there looking out for me. Everything always ends up fine for me. There never really are any hurdles, the hurdles that are there are just make believe, on my part. Whenever something good happens, i always silently thank that someone up there, whoever it is. :) That someone has lots of love from me. <3

6. I dont actually like marshmallows. I only eat them because they look cute and squishy. I like how they feel between my fingers.

7. High school was the best time of my life (so far at least).

8. I actually like pms in the sense that it amplifies my feelings, sorts of gives me clarity because i tend to think much much more about everything during that period of time. Other times i just tend to store whatever it is in a box and lock that box somewhere back in the corner of my mind to rot. Pms also gives me more strength. I get so overwhelmed by everything im feeling that i stop letting myself get pushed over. I am quite a push over =__=", i also DO sort of let myself get bullied (bullied meaning not treated well in my terms) and not say anything about it. Pms helps me to stop putting up with crap, and then suddenly there'll be this explosion, and if im angry at you at the moment, bits and pieces of everything that occured past and present will be flying your way. Even things you dont even remember having done to be before. XD I think im scary that way. I remember every little detail. I really do.

9. When im stressed out, I dont eat. I'd rather it be the other way around, but i guess it doesnt work that way. XD So honestly, after an exam, you can see me like thinner than usual *ZOMG IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!* Cause during study mode, eating just seems like such a waste of time.

10. My favourite colour was blue back when i was a kid because my eldest sister liked blue too. I think i secretly preferred yellow. Im not very sure anymore, because i think i convinced myself that blue was my favourite since FOREVER, and was bent on having yellow as "my winning colour" XD and always chose the yellow piece for snake and ladders (which was my favourite childhood board game, but only because it was given to me in kindergarden by my teacher on my birthday or something). My favourite colour is red now btw.

11. I dont like guys who wear tight shirts. Looks funnnnny, and too show off-y.

12. I like tummies... Cause its soft and squishy and nice to huuuug. I secretly dont fancy six packs (those obvious ones) and huge muscles and all that crap xp.

13. I really adore kids. XD Im that cousin you'll find MISSING at the gambling table because shes upstairs playing with the little kids. Its a nice feeling when they ask for you :) Makes you feel all "aaaww" and warm inside.

14. I used to think that i was messily organised. But perhaps im just messy. xp

15. When i quarell with someone, im usually the first to cave in and say im sorry.

16. I like yellow cars. Yellow cars are cool.

Kinda obvious that i got lazy towards the end, hor? xp Meh.

Me tags:
1. Eebumz
Just because.

2. Brenda (eventhough she's already tagged)
because i love her. and her blog is sorta dead.

3. Bryan
because he didnt do the last tag. its still on YOUR TO DO LIST.

4. Karen
because i love her. and her blog is more dead than brenda's.

5. Sara
because i love her. and her blog is beyond dead. I think she forgot her password.