Online Poker Game

Yes, thats what ive been wasting my time doing.
Using my cousin's account, on Facebook.

This shall be a short post

Incident 1:

We have Pair J in our hands.

Pair K and two random cards on the table. One card left to open.

Mr ADRIAN (yes i even remember his name) raises like shit.

We follow.

The last card comes out. Another J. We have Full House.

Adrian goes ALL IN!

We follow.

Before the verdict comes out, his fingers excitedly tapped on the keyboard and spammed into the chatbox at the side,

Adrian : I WIN!

Adrian has triple King's. We have Full House. We WIN.

And i go

Shaun : Say What?

(im shaun cause i was using cousins account)

and then this guy at the sidelines watching the whole thing (who was kinda bimboish btw) went

Jerry : SHAUN NH!

xp honestly, bad opinion on the fella, THO HE WAS CHEERING ME ON, is cause he said some shit ass lame line before that. LoL. Adrian ran away after this incident. Probably got scared off by the awesomeness that i radiate.

I dont blame him.

Hahhaa, lucked out. He so woulda won if not for the last J.
That was God giving him a slap in the face for going all I WIN on us.


Incident 2:
We go into this room where everyone left, and there was just US (me and couz, since we're playing together for one acc) and this one other dude,


Lory was... super... well he fold everytime we raised. LOL IT WAS SO LAME. We like testing, cause we had NOTHING with us, our cards were so shit ass bad, and we raised $20, which is really the minimum raise, and he just FOLDED.


wait, did i just say that? xp
eventually, we won all of his money and he left.

We really were on fire that night. Practically won every single round. XD lotsa people had good cards but we just HAPPENED to have better, and there were times we just lucked out when people went all in. HAHAHAHHA then they all left us. =__="

Cause we were too awesome and they were blinded by the flashes of light.

Its just too bad. xp