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1. What is the relationship of you and her?
SuPing: Gang
LiYing: Gang

Gling: My one and only Peepoo
YenHsian: Friend

2. Your 5 impressions towards her.
SuPing: Bubbly. Foonie. Artsy. Brown Hair. YongHui. (xp)
LiYing: Wacky. Loud. Sweet. Sensitive. Tall.
Gling: Caring. Great dress sense. CardGiver. Adorable. Creative.
YenHsian: Sensitive. Caring. Nice. Talkative. Sweet.

3. The most memorable things she has done for you.
SuPing: Totally told a guy off cause he was being mean to me. =) I’ll forever remember that. We weren’t even very close then, and she was so sweet to have done that. x) I was mighty touched! Also gave me the box thing with chocs! PRETTY!! I still show it off to lotsa ppl when they come around, =) The moo locker! Which I also show off to lotsa people. The 2 cards in form 3, which she tried to hide from me while others were signing and I SAW, and she made me pretend I didn’t know. XD And gave me SUPERSHEEP. *dadada!*

LiYing: teman me XD all the time in high school before tuition

Gling: Cardy. Autograph bookie. Chat buddy!

YenHsian: Being there for me during high school

4. The most memorable things she has said to you?
LiYing: Hi LiMay
YenHsian: … *don’t remember sorry*

5. If she becomes your lover, you will...
SuPing: kick yonghui aside. I KNEW IT WAS COMING ALL ALONG.
LiYing: go to paris together. Cause its romantic.
Gling: Take more camwhore-ish pictures so we’ll have more catch phrases
YenHsian: sing songs everyday!

Yeah okay, that’s all crap. =__=” I think I really have to be lesbian first, and since that’s not happening. Uhh.

6. If she becomes your enemy, you will...

Doubt any of that will happen though. Me loves you people.

7. If she becomes your lover, she has to improve on...
SuPing: Her looks. So I can look prettier. BWAHHAHAHA then again, I want her to look prettier so guys and girls will be jealous. *hmm*
LiYing: Letting go of LeeHom and Edward Cullen.
Gling: Being a Guy.
YenHsian: Her being oversensitive.

8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
SuPing: I accidentally pushed YongHui off a cliff.
LiYing: She stabbed me IN THE BACK while I wasn’t looking and was busy baking cupcakes.
Gling: She stopped going dustbin with me. HAHAHAHHA *kidding*
YenHsian: We offended each other and didn’t wanna apologise

9. The most desirable thing to do on her is?
(this question doesnt deserve to be bolded and green.)

10. The overall impression of her is...
SuPing: WHOOO!
LiYing: WHEE!
Gling: PEEPOO!
YenHsian: MORNING!

I don’t make much sense. I know. Shuttup.

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
They’ll feel that imma kinda childlike and have this weird tendency of attacking them (poking their sides and patting their tummies BWAHHAHA) when they’re vulnerable. =) Oh and that im SWEET and CHARMING and TOTALLY LOVABLE.

Just nod.

12. The character of you for yourself is?
Chameleon! Imma AWESOME and am a SUPAH HERO! I fit in EVERYWHERE!

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
I doubt myself.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Me. =) And I hope I stay this way till the end of time.

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
They’re AWESOME. Almost as awesome as I am. ALMOST.


People arent as great as we make them out to be
And so we must allow room for disappointment and let down
Lower our expectations

Too bad I dont believe in doing that

I believe everyone has the ability to live up to certain expectations
As long as the expectations arent unreasonable
And so, there is no need to compromise expectation.

I believe in improving oneself
Being the best we can be, meeting the bar others have set for you
Instead of lowering the bar down to the level that you think you're only capable of

Because y'know?

We're all capable of so much more =)