
Guess who can drive noooow?


I was so afraid of the test the night before that i couldnt sleep. I kept waking up at hour intervals and was fully awake by the time it was 5.45am. Which totally SUCKED. Mum took me around Road B one time before going into the center, where i met Natalie, Brenda and YingXian! x) YAAAAAY!!!

Brenda was first up on the road (she passed too btw! XD) anyway, i heard my number get called, the person said 'BAHANGIAN TIGA.' and i didnt know that meant ROAD... Natalie and i looked at each other and we both decided it was supposed to be the three things (parking, three point turn, hill), but it WASNT. =__=" so apparently, the tester was like shouting my name and everyone on the other side but i didnt knoooow. After that this man asked me to go back to the counter place and i told the counter my number and asked them where i was supposed to go cause i was SO CONFUSED and they asked me to just SIT DOWN. =__="

by the time brenda got back, i was still waiting to be called. Enough about that. Soon, it was my turn, and i got this fatty tester. At first he was pretty nice and didnt say anything even when i said 'MORNING!' all chirpy and happily. *ish* then after driving awhile and when i stopped at the traffic light, he went

'ng li may.'

'err.. yeah =)'



So i went on driving, but i only used like gear 1 and gear 2 and very rarely gear 3. Cause that was what i was accustomed to. Then he kinda got annoyed and went

'this is a TEST. not a LESSON. the speed limit is FORTY. go FASTER.'

(in malay, mind you)

i was kinda taken aback, but just apologised and went to 40 and 50 the whole rest of the way. Scared he fail me... LOL. Then after that, at the junction, i slowed down, like my instructor told me to (the few times i sped up, my instructor scolded me). Then the tester guy got UPSET AGAIN and told me to SPEED UP.

AGAIN, i said sorry. And i explained that it was what my instructor taught me. He said,

'this is YOUR test. Not your INSTRUCTORS test. Im going to give marks to YOU. not HIM. so dont listen to your INSTRUCTOR.'


Anyway, in the end he passed me. *phew* Not such a bad guy after all. *phew* XD

After that, the four of us sat around talking while waiting for our numbers to be called to do the three things. We kept seeing this BLUE kancil doing BADLY at the hill. It was like JINXED or something. everyone who used it would FAAAAIL. DAMN SCARY. so brenda and i were like PRAYING not to get it. And thankfully we didnt. XD A girl from the same driving school as myself got it, but she passed anyway. WHOOO!

It was so funny, i went up the hill and braked, pulled the handbrake. Even before i could free gear and check whether my tyres were on the line, the guy waved me down. WHOOO! so i didnt even have to look and could just go down! PASSSEEEED!! x) Then it was parking time! Parking is easy peasy lemon squeezy.. BUUUUT, there was this point where i wanted to reverse, but SOMEHOW i couldnt put the HANDBRAKE DOWN. it was STUCK. I kept trying to press it and push it down BUT NOOOOO, it was stubborn as hell. I was freaking out, and i kinda said to the two testers behind

'excuse me, i think something is wrooong...'

they ignored me.

So, because i had already full turn right my steering wheel, i had to raise my knee and use it to stop the steering wheel from turning back, used two hands to push the handbrake down. THANKFULLY, it worked. x) and everything else went smooth. and and and I PASSEEED!! Brenda and i were so lucky to have each other. Like, she was number 61 and i was number 64. 62 and 63 somehow werent there, so i was right after her. and we could like give each other thumbs up and stuff hahahaha.

x) oh and yingxian passed as well!

We were all so afraid for that girl la, hahhaha! what with all her stories of her past driving experiences. YOU DONT WANNA KNOW. XD Supah cool! she passed the hill at the first try toooo!! WHOOO!