Diamonds from Ashes

I've learnt about this (what i am about to blog about) just recently, which really means a few months ago, and it really caught my attention. I dont know if any of you know this yet, and if ALL of you do, then er.. nevermind. =__="


Now one can create diamonds from HUMAN ASHES
or pet ashes, i guess.
(background information : gemstones are created from carbon that's captured during the cremation of human remains. The family will still receive ashes of each individual - after all the carbon has been taken out)
A classmate of mine had said that 'I THINK ITS COOL. WHEN I DIE, I WANT MY KIDS TO MAKE ME INTO A DIAMOND.' Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, its a free world, free country, freedom of speech, freedom of whatever. But HONESTLY,
double U-Tee-hedge
Dont you think its SUPER a LITTLE BIT SADISTIC and ODD, really? Its like, my pet cat died, but he's still always with me. *strokes ring on finger*. HOLY. Plus, its like the person wont be COMPLETE anymore. And its meaaaaan, cause you're taking parts of the person's remains (that is deemed useful by you) and then throwing away the parts you dont need. Its just HORRID!!
The not being complete part freaks me out.
I wonder how afterlife would be like if you're incomplete like that. Would you be the same as every other person who passed on, or would you be like WEIRD or something. If there even is an afterlife to begin with.
And somehow i keep having this weird thought of people who actually hate their relatives or pets or something, and when said person/pet dies, they'd make them into gems and go 'Finally, there is some use to you after all.'
I think after people die, people should be cremated and thrown into the sea. Cause somehow i think thats a very beautiful way to leave. XD I never liked burials and tombstones. I always have nightmares about burials, like what if you're not DEAD yet and you suffocate inside and die =__=". And after that your body rots and then theres this stupid hole in your coffin and worms creep in. Maggots everywhere. EATING YOU. having a feast.
I guess, when you're dead.
It doesnt really matter.

But its FREAKY and DISGUSTING and i DONT WANT TO BE EATEN BY MAGGOTS. And rotting slowly in a coffin, all by yourself doesnt sound very nice. Neither does being burnt, i have to confess, but ashes into the sea sounds beautiful and free and stuff. So yeah.
Though fishes would prolly eat your ashes thinking its food and maybe die of poison or something. Are ashes poisonous? I feel like im asking a stupid question but i really dont know the answer to that so someone please enlighten me. XD
On the bright side, most of the ashes would probably reach the seabed and turn into petroleum after many many years. ITS ALL GOOD. Replenishing the earth's resources, it cant get any better than that.
Sure as hell beats being an accessory.