
Sometimes, when I have nothing to do, I like to play this game with myself. To try to figure out a person’s background story. Observe someone and come up stories as to why they’re doing what they’re doing. Where they were before this, and how life has been so far.

When im in the car, and the car zips pass random people, I look at them and wonder when they’re going to die, how they’re going to die, or if anyone would commit suicide. And if they do, would they hang themselves?

Cause hanging freaks me out. I would never want to see a dead hanging body ever. The image would be embedded forever in my mind and I’ll probably go crazy and be unable to sleep ever. The best way to kill oneself is still by taking lotsa lotsa sleeping pills, so you just fall asleep, for eternity. At least theres no pain. Either that or go to a snowing super cold place and fall asleep there. Jumping off a building wouldn’t be too bad either, since you’ll get to experience free fall, the AIR! The RUSH! Just make sure the building is high enough so you don’t NOT DIE and experience all the pain and law suits that follow, since committing suicide is a crime after all. (The sight of you dead on the concrete floor face all mashed up would probably be ugly as hell, but hey, FREE FALL!)

Not that I encourage suicide
Just saying.

I’d look at little tunnels and wonder who passes that. Has a crime scene happened there once before? Was some poor girl raped and thrown into that drain after she was brutally slaughtered? I’d think about the family and how they would feel, how some poor innocent teenager who had a future got robbed of everything just like that. How her family, unsuspecting, probably having a great time just sitting around on the sofa, lazying around being couch potatos, eating guava while watching ‘Friends’ hear a knock on their door, finding two policeman’s standing at their doorway informing them about their daughters misfortune. Or maybe a phone call. (its weird, but thoughts like this make me cry)

Rapists are the worst of the worst and should burn in the flames of hell.
They don’t even deserve hell.
They deserve much worse than that.

I’d look at beggars on the streets and wonder what they think to themselves, what they think of themselves, how they landed up on the streets. Have they given up hope? Then I’d see little kids and wonder if they’ll one day be beggars too.

I’d see little kids playing on the streets, laughing gaily with no burden on their shoulders, no responsibility to uphold, and wonder how they’ll be when they grow up. Married, having their own kids. I wonder what their kids would be like. And then I’d make up stories about fights, and fun times and then grandkids.

I’d wonder if there is someone out there, just like me, doing the exact same thing, thinking the exact same thing, as I am, at the very same moment. And I’d wonder if she/he felt the connection that I felt. If she/he even existed. But im sure she/he does. Because its such a big world right? There’s so many people, there’s bound to be more than ONE even, doing, thinking the same things as I am. Theres bound to be someone, writing the same thing as I am now. I wouldn’t be surprised, honestly.

Car – best place to daydream.