another day of my everyday

Mommy has been a Celine Dion fan since FOREVER and so yesterday, when celine dion had her FIRST concert in malaysia, mommy and i rushed there to watch. The concert was to start at 8pm, so we left the house at 6.50pm thinking earlier the better. But daaaaamn, there was a MASSIVE jam. Seems like the WHOLE WORLD was going to watch her as well.

Mommy started to get impatient and the lady driving in front of us (who happened to be a P driver) got the full blast of her wrath. Mommy horned the lady more than 3 times cause the lady was SLOOOW. The jam was SO BAD that the cars were BARELY moving and since we were in the middle lane, cars kept cutting over and mommy didnt want people to cut over since we were already going to be late! soon enough, 8pm came and we were still stuck in the car just a bit away from stadium merdeka. Mommy wasnt happy.

I told mommy that concerts usually start late but she said concerts this big would start on time! I was shocked at how people parked their cars.
It wasnt just double parking anymore. It was TRIPLE parking. They parked on top of the sidewalks and on the roads. Roads that were supposed to be triple lane became single lane. GOODNESS!! it was like WTH!?!? no one could wait any longer, there just WASNT any parking and OH LORD! CELINE DION!!! so we double parked as well and rushed rushed rushed to stadium merdeka on foot! AAAH! i was so impressed by mommy as she was wearing heels and me, sport shoes.
We arrived at said destination at 8.15pm. Celine Dion wasnt on. 'I TOLD YOU SO!!' x) sorry i couldnt help it. Mommy was so glad. but then we found out we had lousy shit seats.

We paid RM488 and thats HOW FAR we were from the stage, not to forget, it was FLAT GROUND. mind you, the grey area are the parts which slopes up around the field. Honestly, the side grey part would have had A MUCH better view. And they paid RM200 less. Mommy + Me felt horribly stupid. SO FAR DAMMIT. SO BLOODY FAR. (btw sorry for the lousy pictures, i only have paint and nothing else so thats the best i can do!)

So yeah, we were disappointed with our seats. But it was so funny, everyone in the stadium started to do the mexican wave!! so many people! there were around 10,000 people there okay! WHOOOAA! humongus crowd! At 8.30pm, the show had yet begun.

Around 8.50pm, the Royal Family arrived. The King, The Queen. Najib and Mahathir too. After 5 minutes of their arrival, the show began. those people do take their own sweet time now, dont they?

Her singing was top notch! Totally AMAZING! and just WHOOOO!! But truthfully, everyone only knew her old songs and not her new ones... so when she sang her old songs, everyone was so hyped up and screaming the lyrics along with her and when it was the new songs, everyone was just quiet. haha! At one point, she cranked it up and sang,

'Buddy you're a boy make a big noise,

playing in the street,

gonna be a big man someday!

You've got mud on your face,

you big disgrace,

Kicking your can all over the place'

Then everyone shouted together, 'WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU!' yadi yada.. that was fun! =)

Overall, it was a great concert, despite having LOUSY shit seats. Which shows how really great it was! Her voice blows me away! WHOO! amazing i tell you, AMAZIIING! x) Anyway, as you all can tell by now, the thing that amused me most that night was that people triple parked and just parked EVERYWHERE. literally. You should have been there to see it! what a sight indeed!

On another note, I took my undang test today (yes FINALLY) and i passed! 49/50 *grins* People have been telling me its SO EASY and stuff, but naturally, being me, i never stop to worry. Like suping said 'How hard can it be?' but in my mind i'd think 'Everyones passing, what if i fail?!' XD i KNOOOW... pessimistic much? Im always like that, but i guess studying hard always pays off and its better to have my mind concept than to take everything for granted thinking everything will go your way. So i guess its good to worry unecessarily sometimes. =)

It worried me a bit as the driving school uncle picked me up and had to pick these two other girls from their high school but they didnt show up. Apparently they FAILED last week and had to retake. We waited for them for half an hour. I was there WAITING to sit for the test and he tells me THEY FAILED LAST WEEK. =__=" AAAAHH!!

i thought what.. bad omen. ==,

On the way back after taking my undang, PuiYee called and reminded me that


i was like WHAAAT!?!? HAVE TO PASS UP MEH!?!?!

Thank Goodness for Pui Yee.

If not for her, its wave byebye to 5000 for me. Only she would think of calling me and reminding me about it. XD good thing she knows im blur and dont read instructions and all that jazz. SHE ROCKS MY WORLD! WHOOOO!! i love puiyee!!! Have i not told you that people in college (in my class) are by far the nicest people i've met all my life? Well, they are. So much that it scares me sometimes. =) thats one thing i love about college more than high school i guess! haha! I'll tell you why i say that another day!

l..l, Only Love for You