
Im finally BACK!!!

:) know y'all missed me lots! (okay, even if thats not true, just nod and PRETEND it is) there's been SO MUCH going on these days and ive been SO SO SO TEMPTED to come and blog it all down, but resisted doing so as i REALLLY needed to study (not like that helped much anyway, but it did.. a little... not a LOT but a little) So anyway, bryan once sent me this comic he got from SOMEWHERE and said it was REALLY like me, and I really DO AGREE!! check it. you can click to enlarge.

that is SO TRUE I TELL YOU, SO LIKE ME. its like everything i do, i think of BLOGGING. so seriously, you have NO IDEA the torture i have been through during the whole entire week of exam, keeping myself away from my blog. So anyway, got LOTSA LOTSA STUFF TO TELL, especially what happened today. I have GOT to say, today was the MOST EMBARRASSING exam day EVER!!!

It was our LAST paper (BM) and there was 15 minutes left. i had nothing else to do cuz i finished my paper, so out of habit, i swung my legs to and fro.. and the guy whoz table is next to mine followed me. so i changed the movement and he kept mimicking me, and i just found it retarded, so i laughed a bit and TEACHER LOOKED OVER FROM THE FRONT. So we stopped that... and i remained still for a few seconds. Then yen hsian and li ying were like giving me hand signals like ITS GOING TO END! liying went 5 more mins and i was SO SUPER EXCITED!! xp so then bryan looked to the back and i started shaking side to side on my seat cuz well.. I WAS EXCITED! and he was smiling back at me (OR SO I THOUGHT HE WAS) so i was like YAY! ITS GOING TO END SOON! YAY! mana tau.. he was actually.. looking.. and smiling.. at.. teacher.. who was... behind. me. (stupid bryan you TRAITOR you COULDA WARNED ME!! *kicks bryan off a 10 storey building and provides him with no prachute* HAH!)

I didnt know until teacher walked from behind me to in front of my desk and STARED AT ME with his arms crossed. you can IMAGINE MY SURPRISE. there i was in the middle of my SHAKING IN SEAT act and PANG he was right in front of me. i was thinking AWW SHIT. and i felt the blood rush to my face and i just looked doooowwwnnn and to the siiide and upppp then looked at teacher.. AND HE WAS STILL STARING! OMG. EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING. and i was chuckling too at my stupidity and it was SO RETARDED! i TRIED to stiffle my laugh but COULDNT. and it was HORRIBLE and EMBARRASSING!! after a REALLY LONG WHILE, he finally left. *phew* and then woo shen and everyone started to tease meeeh. *GOSH GOSH GOSH* this kinda thing ALWAYYYSS happens to me. woo shen said my face was SUPER RED. *oh no!* teacher must think im some sorta retard now. hehe

owh and anyway, during some of the exams, some teachers were really annoying

for instance, there was one teacher (i am NOT going to name him/her) who put the exam papers on the front students desk. They were NOT supposed to pass the paper, but somehow ONE exam paper ended up on the fourth persons desk. HE GOT MAD. He stood there and asked someone to CONFESS. 'WHO DID THIS, THE PAPER COULDNT HAVE FLEW THERE. JUST OWN UP. BLABLABLABLBALBALBLALBALLA' that went on for around FIVE minutes. Everyone on the side lines were irritated, like WHO THE HELL CARES!??! the guy behind me said he felt like putting up his hand and going 'I DID IT'. and honestly, that was how i felt too. GRR!!! after that he questioned this boy and found out *GASP* IT WAS THE BOY WHO DID IT! =__=" only the boy take the paper intentionally and tried to explain himself but teacher went 'ITS YOUR FAULT'. period. i thought that was REALLY STUPID. like GOODNESS, was that EVEN NECESSARY!?!? wasting time. =____="

then during another exam, this OTHER teacher received a phone call. You know how usually teachers leave the classroom when they receive a call? well, surprise surprise, HE SAT THERE AND YAK-ED AWAY. it was SO HARD to CONCENTRATE. thank GOODNESS he didnt talk for THAT long. so INCONSIDERATE!! stupid, right??


this is totally unrelated to anything, but im going to blog about it anyway simply because i feel like it AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING TO STOP ME. you know when i was younger i LOOOVEEEDD soft drinks, but somehow when i got older (meaning out of primary school) i suddenly decided i didnt really like it. I thought that was REALLY odd cuz i mean, one just dont CHANGE like that. then one fine day (a looooong time ago la OKAY) i found out that the canteen people added water to the soft drinks (yeah i was rather naive, stupid + dumbdumbdumb) so they werent so gassy. =___=" and suddenly it was all 'OOOOHHH.. NOWONDER LAR' i dont like soft drinks cuz they are too gassy. water + soft drinks = much better. so honestly, even though they ARE sort of cheating our money, i dont mind. GO AHEAD PEOPLE! ADD THE WATER IN!! =D *bloop bloop bloop*

going to go take a nap now, im so AWFULLY TIRED! slept really late yesterday and woke up really early. been deprived of sleep for MUCH TO LONG!! gonna sleep the hols away! YAAAY!! owh and im beginning to love the american idol contestants. : ) Jared has this AMAZING smile, LOVING the smile! melinda and lakeisha are SO GREAT!!! both chris's and blake lewis are still as good as ever. kinda sad though, cuz seriously, the guys arent providing much of a competition compared to the girls. BUCK UP LA BOYS!!! XD

-you little tiger, i thought we had a pussycat-