Dear Jaqueline,

Prompted by supings blogpost to write my very own, about the very amazing girl i know
HAHA OMIGOD i was just gonna say something like 'oh we're blur in this shot but it looks sorta nice =D' but then but then, RETARDATION SENSATION came flying into my mind and now im gonna say instead,

'We're smart and hence we're accelerating.'


how could you forget? XD its like the stupidest shit we've ever come up with EVER. with theme song somemore. SERIOUSLY!! at least i know with you im never SYIOK sendiri, its SYIOK TOGETHER. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (yeah okay everyone else is like 'uh..'-ing right now, ITS OKAY JAQ, I KNOW YOU GET ME! HAHAHAHHAHA its worth the confusion and loser signs from the rest of them people xp xp xp)

Met in form 1 but didnt really talk to each other back then. All i recall of us in form 1 was me sitting next to you one day because i couldnt see the blackboard from my end and we had to copy the exercise off the blackboard.. was it BM? hmm!! And then i commented on your watch, which was cool. That was it. looooool sad sial.

the next time was when the form 3 class list was up and i realised i was in the class without bren or sara. oh SO LOST!! and then i saw that you were put in the same class too! i really was kind of scared at first, because i didnt know you back then, we were just strangers (kind of) in the same gang. I remember talking to someone (sara maybe?) about it, like OH NO, I FEEL SO ALONE. WHO AM I GONNA SIT WITH?!?! XD hahahahaha and then i wanted to ask you but i was afraid you'd have someone to sit with already (so timid bleh) but i did ask and you said yes and then WHEE!! HAPPY LIKE CRAZY...

...only HAPPY LIKE CRAZY didnt last long.

We are SO DIFFERENT character wise that we found each other ANNOYING hahahaha and damn behtahan each other. REMEMBER JAQ? HAHAHA then at one point (i dont know who started it) we started emailing each other pointing out what we couldnt stand about each other, all in the NICE CIVILIZED but also slightly hostile manner. But then in class we'd be still OKAY with each other, it was only in the emails it all came out. hahahaha, and then we both decided to try to change and from then on, it was smooth sailing all the WAAAAAAYY!!!! We'd be talking crap all daaaay loong! loved our plays XD

but that's just surface stuff,

somehow, unlike the rest of my seatmates *ahem* (not including brenda cause we did drift after form 2, but now we're like this! *crosses fingers, TIGHT YO. TIGHT!*) our seatmate bond still holds till today!! =D We're still as together as ever. We dont chat with each other everyday, but whenever there is a need to, we know we have each other. So its like RANT! RANT RANT RANT hahahaha whenever we're together. XD its totally awesome.

I remember there was one christmas '07s i think, where everyone was dunno doing what and we both just went into your room and TAAALKED TAAAALKED TAAALKED for the LONGEST time ever x) and after that i felt so good, its nice to know that im going to have you as a friend forever and ever. and i know this because whenever we talk/chat, its never about SURFACE stuff. because surface stuff we can tell anyone else, we only seek each other out when theres the under-surface stuff (omigod look at my vocab. i laugh.) to say =D

so i wont say i miss you, because we never really hung out much anyway, and whenever i need you, you're always there for me to talk to (as am i for you, but you already know that). but do know that i super super love you like LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS!!

and i love that we're so different, you're the grounded, sensible, responsible one. and im just ... not. (ouch! on my end) you help me see things in a different perspective, and i always cant help but admire you and your spirit =) You are AWESOME.

And just as i thought,

despite the rough patch you had to go through during the first few days of your stay in hongkong, you pulled through, in true jaqueline style! =D You're so strong =) Unlike the lot of us who are still struggling to let our greatness shine through *oh hell yeah, thats my motto, thats why its ALWAYS ON MY BLOG DUH* you're already shining, bright bright bright!

twinkle twinkle?

and you never really FALL, because thats who you are, you're tough, you HALF-fall and you've already gotten back up. But i'll always be here for your half-falls x) and if ever, your falls.