make me smiiiile

Again, click on the titles at the end of excerpts to read full story.

These ones i've read before a long time ago, and favourite-d.

She stumbled towards him.

But he caught her.

He always did.

- Just to see her smile

This one was pretty sad.

To Whom It May Concern:

When we learn Trig, the terrorists win.

I think it’s perfect because nobody likes terrorists. I’m trying to think of a good next line (but really, tough act to follow) when I’m distracted by the neck in front of me. There are three freckles on it, and they form a triangle that probably has some sort of name.

Who the fuck sits around naming triangles?

- My Mathematical Mind

This one is gay.
But i found it really adorable!!

“Bam-bam…” He started, his voice more timid and coy this time. I looked at him expectantly. His words came out in a breathless whisper, “Can I… K-kiss you?”

And my little heart raced, both sides thumping alongside each other, as though competing to be the fastest.

Neck to neck.

“You won’t dare to.” I muttered shakily, my eyes no longer concentrating on my chocolate chip cookie I just dished out.

“Uh-oh.” He breathed, “Now you’re gonna get it.”

- Move Me

By our very own jyhling!! XD
this one made me cry, AGAIN.


honestly, i wonder if it's just because im pms-ing.
im crying at EVERYTHING.

she writes really great stories btw!
