Another TAG?!

Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total 20 questions, then tag to 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. What was your dream when you were in your childhood?
okay, i answered this question before in ANOTHER tag. why are the tags like COPYING off each other now. *shakes head in disapproval* i no like this, yo. XD so i shall just copy and paste what i wrote last time

'to marry a prince and get whisk away to the castle and be a pretty little princess =) waittaminute, i still am having that dream. lol. bleh. i wanted this like wand so i could wish for everything and anything in the world *sniff*'

2. Rainy days or sunny days? Why?
It depends really, on my mood. Then again, scratch that. I do NOT like sunny days. Too hot. WAAAAY too hot! and sweat is stinky and makes you all sticky and messes up a good hair day. I do not like rainy days either.. cept if it rains at night when im already sleeping, cuz then it'd be so cooling and everything and WHOOO! nice! oh and when im depressed, i dont mind it being rainy then too. Cuz it being sunny and me being sad and depressed just makes everything like.. MORE DEPRESSING.

dont ask me how that works. ITS ODD REALLY.

3. Which do you like the most? Black or White?
I think i like white more. Wait no. Make that black. IM GOING TO REMOVE THIS QUESTION BECAUSE ITS SO STUPID. and replace it with erm...

the new and improved question 3.
Which do you like more? Brown or Red?
RED! OF COURSE! what a very smart question indeed! *grins*

4. Who would you marry?

5. Where is the place you would like to go most? Why?
PARIS! cuz its so ROMANTIC! im gonna like sit those boats with those men who sing and stuff with mah darling! AAWW RIGHT?!? *sniff i know. i know* XD

6. What are you afraid of ?
Lots of things... too many to even begin to mention. But you can go ahead and read all my previous blog entries, i think they're all more or less there.

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
A sad moment? A SAD MOMENT?! depends on how SAD it is. I'd rant to people. not just close friends (oops) to random strangers that i think are nice to talk to as well. and er.. then i cry myself to sleep (usually an afternoon nap) and then watch lots of teevee and stuff myself with comfort food.

8. What is the one thing you can never get tired of?
er... i dont know. I think i pretty much get bored of everything some time or another. eheh.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep the secret in the heart, observing by yourself?

10. What do u think of the person who tagged you?
Dramatic (ohoho!) Sweet (yeah!) Short hair (erm.) XD

11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half?
he doesnt HAVE to be perfect. cause perfect people freak me out. i mean, IM NOT PERFECT, so him being perfect would be SOOO WEIRD, i'd just feel so awful XD. Hmm, he'd have to be able to make me laugh, cause i really like funny guys. And like listening to me talk *ahah* and hmm... RICH! CAUSE MR MOHAN SAID

'theres no way you can be rich by working hard. you have to marry a RICH man.'


now everyone is going to think im only going after guys because i want their money. =__=" I WAS KIDDING OKAY.. partially. erm. yeah XD HAHAHAHAHA

12. Which type of person do you hate most?
people who liiiieeee and backstab and erm.. hmm KNOW-IT-ALL's (irritating!!)

13. Favourite part of a song?
depends on the song.

14. Would you rather be someone else at this moment?
of course not!! i mean COME ON, WHO ELSE BETTER TO BE THAN ME?! HAHAHHAA *perasan like shiiiit*

15.Do you ever admit it when you're emo?
oh hell yeah, i tell the whole world and rant like nobodies business.

16. What's your feet size ?
5. but what do you care?

17. Who's your favourite cartoon character?
oooh.. never really thought of this before. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A CARTOON. hmm fine, erm.. TIMMY TURNER! (dont you GASP at me WITH YOUR EYES LIKE THIS --> O.O YES I WATCH CARTOONS)

cause he's got fairy god parents that grants his every wish. See, if i had them, i could wish to be a PRINCESS and have jason castro marry me. YAAAAY! JOY TO THE WORLD!!

18. To which extent would you do for the special ones?
the SPECIAL ones?! THE SPECIAL ONES?! i dont get it. you mean FRIENDS? or people who are SPECIAL to me? or WHAAAT!?!? i dont know. i mean you could ask me now if i would take a BULLET for you, i really wouldnt know. i would like to say YES! OF COURSE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU! but that would be lying.

who knows right? i wouldnt really know unless put in the situation =)

19. Describe your dream house.
It varies. From SMALL AND COZY to BIG WITH THE NICE STAIRCASE FROM BOTH SIDES. depends on how im feeling at the moment. right now im thinking SMALL AND COZY. ask me again 10 mins later. XD

20. What is it that you don't like about others when they say or do something to you?
(i dont quite get the question so i shall just er.. interpret it in my own way and give it my best answer YAY ME! yes im stupid and i dont understand. so what)
I really dont like people calling me thin. o.o i know right. i mean I KNOW im thin. THE WORLD knows im THIN. PEOPLE CAN SEE im thin. you dont have to go POINTING IT OUT.

*rolls eyes* get a life.

oh and i hate it even more when people think I DONT EAT.

whats more absurd is, there was once this girl who went 'I like to eat!'
and i went 'oh me toooo!'
and she went 'huh?!?! YOU LIKE TO EAT MEH?'

*rolls eyes again*
I tag : LiYing, KwanSeng... i give up.. who else still blogs?