once again...

Bubbles ...

they're so pretty
you think they'd last..
but the next thing you know
they go pop
and is lost forever...

Sigh... i was not oblivious to the change that was happening, but i did not think it would result to this.

Not this, Never this.

I tried to hold on to what was still there, I tried to replace what was gone, i tried to mend. But it didnt work, nothing was working, perhaps nothing will ever work again. Not anymore. As sad as it is, i dont know what else i can do and thinking of it only makes me much much sadder.

I dont want to lose something as precious as this, but what can i do? i cant save it, not alone. Ive talked to people, and everyone, even the kindest ones have asked me to leave it be. To just give up, when giving up was never an option before. But the choice is not mine, and it seems as if the choice has already been made.

So what am i to do, but sit and watch...
as my bubble fade away...

But fear not, its not the end of the world. Though one bubble has burst, i still have many many more. Many that are so precious that i shall take extra care as to never allow them to share the same fate as that ill-fated one.

as for that single bubble that i shall mope around and mourn for... its just too bad. Since theres nothing else i can do, i shall just blow myself another bubble.. like others in the world are doing.
I will be fine

besides... im tired of waking up so happy in the morning,
only to be depressed by that burst bubble.
there are other things to worry about.