back on fire

as all y'all know, i've been following american idol series, catching every episode and well i've got to say, for the past few weeks, blake lewis kind of disappointed my sis and i. His performances were so MILD and no offence intended, slightly boring. And so i've been rooting for Phil Stacey, Jordin sparks and Melinda Doolittle...

but today. TODAY was like WHOOOAAA!!!

Blake Lewis's performance blew me away! and his HAIR! did you see his hair?!? it was dyed black! GOD HE LOOKED SO DAMN SEXY WEY!!! *screams* and his rendition of the song was SO DAMNED HOT! i had to listen to it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. just COULDNT GET ENOUGH OF IT! its THAT good. THAAAAT GOOD. no shit!


Rooting for him to win ONCE AGAIN! x) thats the way to go maaan!! Melinda did wonderfully great agian this week! as usual la. Jordin didnt do so well, but oh well. haha =) LOVING BLAKEE!!!!!! anyway, for those of you who dont give a rats ass about american idol, you guys still SHOULD... i mean... MUST MUST MUST watch the video!!! HAVE FUN!!! XD

hope you love it as much as i did!!