On THE Exams

its been a TIRING and BORING week and im glad THATS over, though more days like this are to come in... another 2 weeks time. But lets not think about that for its ze


Anyway, its like a custom for me to blog about the exams after the exams end..or in this case PARTIALLY ended... and so, I SHALL NOT FAIL YOU FELLOW READERS WHO ARE EVER SO EAGER TO READ ABOUT THE EXAMS (XD no also just READ ONLY LA)

Thoughts of LiMay during exam week on : -

(a) Time :
MY GOSH! i slept soooo little especially the night before bio exam (okay, so maybe bryan had less hours of sleep.. but this is about ME ME ME not HIM so OMIGOSH!! $#$%#$#$#$%#%$#$#%$) i went to bed at 12 because i behtahan already and my sponge brain wasnt absorbing any more information. My eyes were seeing but my brain wasnt receiving. So i slept and set my alarm at 4.30am. but i had this STUPID VIVID DREAM ABOUT SITTING FOR THE BIO TEST AND NOT REMEMBERING ANY FACTS and woke up at 3.30am feeling all WORRIED. Hence the studying till around 5am and sleeping till 6am and then waking up and studying somemore until it was time to leave for school.. which was around 7.

The previous days were similar to that day. lots of worrying, lots of waking up in the morning, lack of sleep.

Result : Eyebags. HUMONGOUS EYE BAGS. Once i walked into the bathroom and was shocked by my reflection. im serious. The eyebags and panda dark circles were SO OBVIOUS and HORRIBLE i almost died at the sight of myself. The only reason why i did not wear a brown paper bag over my head to school was because ... well... there werent any in the house and i was pretty sure the guard woulda chased me down and beat me up despite of me wearing school uniform (suspicious character ma). so yeah, i'd rather not take the risk.

(b) Papers :
It was a nightmare i'd rather not try to recall. I thought if i pinched myself hard enough, i might just wake up... but clearly... .... HEY WAITTAMINUTE! maybe i AM STILL SLEEPI-*pinch*- oooookay maybe not.oh well, thats that. Im thankful its ALL IN THE PAST. and no, i wouldnt want to go into detail on how horribly wrong the papers went. Use your imagination?

Result : tralalalala~ PIRATES TOMORROW! HALLELUJAH! exams? what exams? o.o

(c) Chicken essence (Kai Jing) :
Doesnt work. Tastes like crap to me. Brenda and Sara really likes it though. and for some ODD reason, it WORKS for them. Its against me. i KNOW it. They say they feel all ENERGISED and AWAKE after drinking it...i feel...the same if not sleepier. I should just stick to the very unhealthy but effective wonders of coffee. COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE makes you go all hyper and CRRRRR-AAAZEEEE too! I feel like puking when i drink kai jing... so i pinch my nose close and gulp it down and then drink water to wash it down before breathing again.. by then the taste wouldnt be so strong anymore and i'd be fine.

Oh yeah, which reminds me. You guys all know i used to HATE HATE HATE (Triples gives great effect) milk right? i used to drink it as described on how i drink the kai jing. Pinch nose -- gulp down -- water -- release nose. Guessss whaaaat? i've been doing it so often that one day i got used to the taste of milk and dont have to pinch nose and crap already! and just today, when i was consuming milk, i realised that I THOUGHT IT TASTED PRETTY GOOD.

...what an achievement

Result : realisation that coffee is the way to go

(d) Cheating [?] :
A few students cheated during the exams. This kinda annoyed me because whats the point if its not your effort and its YOUR OWN fault if you didnt study so you should face the consequences like a man. Besides its just a SCHOOL exam...... but WHATEVER (ggrr) not gonna think about it anymore. what was worse was when this guy boasted to me about it. =__=" that totally irked me. But ah well... nothing to do with me right? i shouldnt be bothered by it. SHUT IT OUT SHUT IT OUT! tralalalala~ PIIIRAAATEEESSS!!

'i wasnt cheating, i was just checking my answer!'

Result : Kami perlulah menjadi murid yang bermoral. lol...

Thats it for today folks! shall blog about the outing tomorrrooowwww! x) PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN HERE I COME!! WOOOOOOOOOT! cant wait cant wait cant... i need to sleep off the eyebags so i can go out in the public tomorrow. XD much love people!