christmas spirit!


first thigs first, i got new contact lenses!!! and guess what!??! after around 4 months of NOT wearing contacts AND spectacles, my power DIDNT INCREASE!!! its still 75 for left and 125 for right. I AM GOOD!!! *proud* *PROUD* ego x 100000000000!!

next, when we were getting in the car, I SAW CHRISTMAS LIGHTS being sold at most the shops there. remember i said my christmas lights were out? you dont? DARN YOU!!! *ahem* yeah, so mom and i went to look around the shops and bought this christmas light that has like 8 different blinks! *GAAASSSPP* i am not kidding. EIGHT I TELL YOU!! EIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHTT!!!! *JUMPS JUMPS* then we bought some ornaments, though we already have LOTSA them, but STILL!!!

who can pass out a SUPER DUPER CUTE SNOWMAN ORNY!?!? NOT ME!! IT WAS SO ADORABLE!!! i'll post pictures up later. we're putting them all up later!!! now we're only lacking the STAR! they didnt sell really nice ones, so we didnt settle. LIKE HELLO!?!? WE DONT SETTLE FOR ANY LESS THAN PUUURRRR-FECT! *grins*

so yeah, im so SUPER HAPPPY NOOOW!! CHRISTMAS LIIIGGGHHHTTSS!! CHRIISTTTMMASSS LIIGGGHHHTTSSS!! boy, i sure do love putting up the tree. its so FUN and it looks so pretty in the end. its just all so.. BREATHTAKING. *sniffles* the joy of christmas. i feel it already.

im so happy right now, that if you tell me anything happy, i'll jump for you. xp im serious. im running around the house shouting 'IM SO HAPPY'. xp really. WHHHEEEEE!!!! oh and SIS IS BAACCCKK!!! =D WITH LOADS OF CHOCOLATES!! im very easy to please. xp. got tons of hw from tuition but i dont caaareee.. as for nooowww

im the luckiest girl in the world!!!
(or so i feel)