Embarassing moments

I dnot know whats wrong with me. Its like a routine.. really.. everyday there HAS to be an embarassing moment for me.. and its ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS during recess! like WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Lets start with YESTERDAYS embarassing moment..

Sara and i were talking about some guy with nice legs.. so while we were walking into the guys canteen i just said REALLY loudly

'OH! MY LEG!' and made that lifting up skirt action to reveal legs thing as a joke..

then this friend of mine YES A GUY walked out with that *uh* EXPRESSION on his faceee.. then bren was like 'I TIHNK THE WHOLE CANTEEN HEARD YOU'. I was so embarassed i couldnt stop laughing. Yes, i laugh when im embarassed. dont ask why, i just do.. and i get all red faced too. LoL.

Now, ON TO TODAYS embarassing moment... i finished eating spagetti you see, and was walking from where jo and cas sat to where we throw our now.. empty plates. So i just walked walked walked.. and trippped over something.. and you know you just take this FEW BIG STEPS to REGAIN YOUR POSTURE? yeah. i TRIED DOING THAT!! so it was like *trip.. step step step* and in my head *I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS!*.. and *fall* and the worst part was.. as i fell i went like


It wasnt the SOFT 'ah' it wasnt the SCREECHING scream 'AAAHH!' it was the TERRIBLE SHOUTING *NOT SCREMING* SHOUTING.. 'AAAAAAH' and that just sounded SO HORRIBLE.. I landed on my knees and my hadns.. plate FLEW away and chopsticks too. A form 5 girl and her friend were going to wash their hands just stood there stunnned for a moment.. and i just stayed at my position for a moment.. all.. too shocked. *probably thanks to the HORRIBLE sound*

then all of a sudden.. that MOMENT of SILENCE and NOT MOVING just passed and they went like 'ARE YOUOKAY!??! AREYOU OKAY!?!?' and they helped me up.. and picked up my chopsticks for me.. and i was like 'YEAP IM OKAY! IM OKAY!' they're so SWEET.. REALLY!!! T.T thank god for them. Then after that i started laughing like an idiot cuz i was SO EMBARASSED. then i went to wash my hands with them going all 'Damn.. THAT was embarassing..' and laughed somemore.. and they laughed with me. *sniff* those NICE people.. made me feel so much better. seriously!!

these EMBARASSING moments.. makes life a little more interesting.. in a way.. gives me things to talk about too! XD So honestly.. its not so bad now that i think of it.


cookie said...

I had an embarrassing moment today too! haha... Today was the worst parking day ever. ><

No worries, we learn from our mistakes. At least you won't do what you did twice! ^^ *Hugs*

~ And at least you didn't get hurt or nothing. ~

chibiBren said...

nyaahhaha lol that leg thing was priceless.