
Here are the things i want for my birthday! see? im so nice, listing it out for you guys so you all dont have to crack your head on what to get me on my birthday!

Yes. i know my birthday is AGES away, but i mean, IM GOING CRAZY studying for the exams. i need something else to think about - and this is it. XD yay!

What you can get me on my birthday!
  1. HUGS! i want lots and lots of hugs!!
  2. Famous Amos cookies! (without nuts)
  3. Baskets of LYCHEE! (OMG. I'd DIE. I LOVE LYCHEE!)
  4. Mudcake! (*dies* I love chocolate)
  5. Handmade cards!
  6. More handmade photoframes! (cuz its SOO nice)
  7. Earrings!
  8. Skirts! (yay! love skirts!)

Thats all i can think of at the moment. XD. add on when i think of something else i might like.


Furbie said...

here's a list to add :

more testimonials..
cards saying im the sexiest..
chocolate and sweets
new handphone
prepaid card
a day out shopping (someone pays for everything)

PureViLmay said...

oh my..

YOu're RIGHT li ying!!
why didnt I think of all those!?!?!


*adds to mental list.*

WILL update it after the exams