______ the big.

I've always loved singing, i know i don't sing great but I can hold a tune, so eh, that's better than some people right? *sheepish grin* You know when you're just a kid,
you're not afraid of ANYTHING. You just go out there, and you do whatever. And maybe because kids look cute doing ANYTHING, and even if they mess up people just go all 'DAAAAWWWW SHOOO CUUUTEEEEE' and make little baby noises at you, so everything's always okay. Then you reach that age where you suddenly become, less cute, and when you mess up,

well. lets just say, the world doesnt treat you as nice anymore.
No more rainbows.
No more cotton candy.
Just a whole lotta evil.

Yeaaaaap. people cringe, people point, people laugh. people just get all nasty. i mean seriously speaking, even if you're good, people have something mean to say about you. Again, People just get ALL NASTY. So we all get a little more self conscious and don't do the things that we secretly want to do. Which for me, was sing.

I got terrified of singing in public, i'd sing in my HEAD but never out loud because i just simply didnt have the confidence and i didnt feel comfortable and it was just a whole lot of BLEAH. oh slap me slap me now. It was frustrating. Then along came these girls, (:
Bren, Ping, Sara who all loved to sing and for some odd reason, I ACTUALLY DONT REMEMBER NOW, we all signed up for this singing competition together and i was forced out of my shell. I remember we'd have rehearsal sessions in Bryan's place (cause he had the karaoke stuff) and i was SO BLOODY SHY i think i had to backface people when i sang or something. Gosh. oh slap me slap me slap me now. And half the time i'd just lose confidence all together, thank God for Brenda mostly, who was always there to reassure me HAHAHAHAHA Brenda, always brenda. Then there was sara, who always trained with me.....


The day of the competition came... and we did SO AWFULLY. HAHAHAHHAHA because we didn't know how to hold the microphones properly so everything sounded SO OFF. And then we were so depressed about it and the judges were freaking bitchy (REMEMBER!??! REMEMBER?!?!) but thats not the point. I remember not being that nervous at all because the girls were with me and i guess after that, the fear just died off. (:

And then we joined another competition the following year (or was it the year after the following year?) and totally kick-ed ass and won. HAH. TAKE THAT, BITCHES!! XOXO ;)
Well anyway, that long introductory of a post (haha YES THAT WAS NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THE POST AT ALL) was to lead it to this one video. This one video that contains this one person (and another two people that i do not know) that is truly awesome and i am so proud of ;) The love, Brenda Chan! (shes the one on the right)

Rawr! thanks for helping me get over my fear of public singing HAHAHA

and you sound so awesome,

can't wait till July, REUNITE and SING SING SING click the link.
