She's BACK!


i know you've all missed me as per usual, but have been silent about it because you're afraid to let me know how much you've missed me. But AGAIN, as USUAL, my perasan-ness has picked up on the level of MISSED-YOU-SO-MUCH-LIMAY, and boy, its been higher than usual these days! =D Its okay, i totally love you people, and im back(for now)!

Lovely day today. Went out with the SUPER-AWESOME-TASTIC ONE AND ONLY Karen!! =D And she's got this whole new look DOOOOWN, yo! (gangsta gangsta... gangsta fail? meh.)
Midvalley was cool cause it had all these monster thingy's like EVERYWHERE!! it was fun running around taking pictures with them :) oh and we caught Hannah Montana the movie today! it was pretty good actually, i loved the hoedown throwdown. HAH! i think we ALL did, catchy tune! good stuff, good stuff. very enjoyable movie. (karen so did not want to watch it at first, i practically forced her into it D: karen is SUPER NICE TO ME, I KNO I KNOOOOW. she wanted to watch Obsessed - the Beyonce movie? but i was positive it was a horror movie thanks to the title so i said NOOOO mmPOP. Sorry love, BUT HANNAH MONTANA WAS NOT BAD RIGHT?!? RIGHT?!?! right.)

Hoedown Throwdown.

Oh and we went to this Wedding Exhibition thing, and people so thought we were gonna get married soon. =__=" this man went up to Karen and asked in chinese if she was gonna get married THIS year or NEXT year. we laughed so hard, and after that decided to reject any pamphlets anyone shoved in our faces. Got these free perfume thingy that we could claim at the metrojaya counter, went there, lady said it was ALL GONE, asked us to check at jusco, which was ALL THE WAY ON THE OTHER FRIGGIN SIDE OF THE WORLD mall. Tiring!

But Baskin Robbins after that totally made us happy again.

Didnt get to eat mah Rojak cause the place i thought had it, didnt. =( I guess it was just not fated to be, me and rojak. Grr mmPOP!!! and we got something from toys r us too. Hah, but that's a secret which will be revealed, SOON (enough).

Arrow head gone. Darn it.


Ps. While i was walking in the mall, innocently, minding my own business. Suddenly i felt this like smack on my bottom =___=" so i looked behind and saw this lil boy....

who grinned, then stuck out his tongue at me.


peace! V