

We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.


1. I dont like being alone in my room at night. Cant close my door even with a night light on. Its just soooo scaaarrryyy okaaaaaayyy! But its okay if someone else is there in the room with me. so yes, i sleep with my door open every night (though parents claim its unsafe) cause thats the only way i can sleep feeling safe (ironic huh?)

2. I cant sleep with the bathroom door open (unless you open it WHILE im asleep). I dont know why exactly, eerie feeling whenever i look into the bathroom at night. had it ever since i moved into the new house, and that was at the end of standard 6! Once dad opened it while i was asleep and i woke up in the mid of the night and saw this black figure walk out of the bathroom and then disappear when it reached the door connecting my room to my sisters room. couldnt sleep the whole night after. =__=" and the other time i had this dream of the bathroom door not being closed and it flashing lotsa odd colours. BATHROOMS ARE SCARY. PERIOD.

3. I would like to eat a chocolate cake without cutting it. You know, just use the spoon and start from the middle. that would totally rock, dont you think so too?

4. I dont like eating brinjals because they are purple. 'nuff said. oh and i dont like eating tomatoes either, not even the cute cherry tomatoes. but fear not, i have nothing against red/orange, its just that i cant stand the taste.

5. When my second sis and i sing songs together (quite often really), we go crazy and start inventing moves for the song. (and its really STUPID moves too!) and we start screaming the lyrics and laughing our heads off. we're such doofus-es. tell me about it.

6. Second sis and i used to play models when we were younger (like REALLY YOUNG, OKAY?!?) we'd use towels and wrap ourselves up different different ways (after our bath) and do the 'walk' and show the maid how 'FAB-ulous' we were. x)

7. I was a brat when i was younger. i stole lots. and in contrary to what the psychologists say, it wasnt because i wanted attention. I just wanted what i saw and so i took it. lol.

8. Use to kill lotsa bugs when i was younger. Killed rats too! i was dad's accomplice! always crawling under the table and swatting all over the place! my sisters were scared but i was FEARLESS! but somehow, i dont know WHEN, i changed. and been scared of bugs ever since. WEIRD, i know. =__=" well, the world is a STRAAANGE place.

8 People to TAG:
Li Ee
Xiao Von
Michelle Lee
Sze Rong
Shu Ying