Two Words

Two words - Comfortable Silence

Looking for a guy i can have that COMFORTABLE SILENCE with. XD You know its like, you're sitting there doing nothing.. not talking.. and yet, just enjoying each others company. Being content with the other just being there. XD Usually you have that with girls.. after talking for a LOOOOONG TIME, you sit down and sigh.. and just stare at nothing in particular. and it feels normal.. great! that kinda thing. where else with some people its just *awkward silence*.. i dont like awkward silences! you just keep DIGGING your brain for something to say. SOMETHING! ANYTHING! and you say something lame. and the other person answers.. and you're STUCK AGAIN! then, you feel like just evaporating into the air.. fading into a backgroud.. hoping to be invisible.. wanting to escape.
Bottom line is - the comfortable silence is just SO MAGICAL! XD *sigh*


chibiBren said...

Love your colours XD Well I guess the comfortable silence thing comes with familiarity =) Can't you do that with Bryan or Kwan Seng or Nge Seong? Or are you referring to a speeecial guy? Lol it'll come with the package I suppose. In time.