oh, I Just can't wait to be King

In all species in which the female makes greater parental investment than the male (such as humans and all other mammals), mating is a female choice; it happens when the female wants it to happen, and with whom she wants it to happen, not when the male wants it to happen.

The power of female choice becomes quite apparent in a simple thought experiment. Imagine for a moment a society where sex and mating were entirely a male choice; individuals have sex whenever and with whomever men want, not whenever and with whomever women want. What would happen in such a society? Absolutely nothing, because people would never stop having sex! There would be no civilization in such a society, because people would not do anything besides have sex. This, incidentally, is the reason why gay men never stop having sex: there are no women in their relationships to say no. Sexually active straight men on average have had 16.5 sex partners since age 18; gay men have had 42.8.

In reality, however, women do often say no to men. This is why men throughout history have had to conquer foreign lands, win battles and wars, compose symphonies, author books, write sonnets, paint portraits and cathedral ceilings, make scientific discoveries, play in rock bands, and write new computer software, in order to impress women so that they will agree to have sex with them. There would be no civilization, no art, no literature, no music, no Beatles, no Microsoft, if sex and mating were a male choice. Men have built (and destroyed) civilizations in order to impress women so that they might say yes. Women are the reason men do everything.

- Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters
Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa
(pg 132-133)

Hoho, interesting, no?

Wanna have more sex?
You know what you have to do now!
Gay is the way to GOOOO!!

FYI, i'd probably love you even more!! XD In dire need of a gay friend. want to be mine?

Ps. We often forget just how blessed we are. Take a step back, breathe. Things aren't as bad as you think they are. And every other time you forget, just remember. Breathe! And hey, tomorrow is just a day away =)