a bowl of soup and some ketchup

I baked cupcakes the other day!

my very first batch. *sniff*
mah babies! *sniff*
ignore the lousy spreading of the frosting. I GOT LAZY.
shit happens. *ohoho* alright alright, BIG DEAL right?
'CUPCAKES ONLY MAH.. i also baked a thousand times before already laaahhh' (says annoymous evil dude who hopefully doesnt exist but i know does.)

yeah well, *mocks annoymous evil dude who hopefully doesnt exist but i know does, hopefully only in my imagination but i think not* 'I HAVENT MAH' so yeap! i was overjoyed that they turned out so wonderfully delicious and quite pretty (that is ignoring the lousy spreading of the frosting as i told you to do earlier) indeed.

Baked them for Guo Yaw as a BELATED BIRTHDAY *cake* present kinda thing. Bryan did not get me candles as i requested. bad bryan, bad bad bryan. But nevermind, who needs candle wax on cupcakes? i know i dont! Everyone was so supremely great and HONEST *hahaha* since they all said it was really good. x) SuPing the super darling said that it reminded her of cuppacakes. OH SUCH JOY! *grins grins* its the frosting, im telling you.

On to other matters

Dad woke me up yesterday at precisely 7.57am just before my alarm which was set at 8am went off. I peeled my eyes open and looked at him all groggy, expecting him to say something like 'WANT TO GO JOGGING A NOT?!' or 'WANT TO EAT BREAKFAST A NOT?!' in which i was prepared to reply 'dont waaant laaaaa'. But he didnt, instead, he brought grave news.

'Popo passed away.'

I blinked twice.


'Popo passed away.'

I blinked another two times.

'Wha..?! What happened?!'

'go get ready, we're going to see her in the hospital.'

I just sat there. My alarm went off. i switched it off. i sms-ed guo yaw. 'fatty. my grandma just passed away.' and he asked me how i was feeling. and i told him. I dont know, i really dont know. because i didnt feel anything, i just felt like.. this is a joke. it cannot be happening. And i didnt believe it WAS happening. I mean, it couldnt be, right? RIGHT?!

Afterall, i just spoke to her YESTERDAY, and she was fine, she was great! she was complaining about the shirt mom and i bought her which was in her words 'too red!' right?! RIGHT?! i washed up, went to moms room to check how she was.

'mom? Mom?'


I blinked twice.



Grins. =) I knew it. I just knew it. After seeing everyone in the hosp. , sad crying faces which eventually turned into joyous laughter. Seeing my grandma who was very much alive and laughing so happily. I just felt such a tremendous amount of relief. I just knew it.

*please dont ask me in detail what happened and what not. =) family matters*


princessjo said...

I'm commenting back! =)

Hahaha wow that's quite intense there. I wouldn't know what to do if I were you :S

But cheer up, CNY is round the corner anyway =)