Bryan in Dreams xp

I had this dream yesterday, which was well, not very weird. BUT STILL! it deserves to be blogged about! Partially also because i feel like procrastinating resting for the moment. (:

Short Note:-
I realise that i only dream of people that are close to me. When i was younger, the people in my dreams were all strangers. Like, this person is supposedly my BEST FRIEND, but doesnt exist? Kinda thing. Oh, but i did dream of my mom, dad and sisters back then.

I still remember this weird kungfu dream i had as a kid, something about me and my sisters protecting this pearl from evil people. it was weird. xp I think it was due to the cantonese series i was watching back then, which had dragons and stuff in it. XD

Anyway, since high school, my dreams started involving some of the gang. XD Now i dont have faceless, unknown people in my dreams. I have you guys! *huggies*

But thats not always a good thing.

Anyway. So what happened in the dream was this.

Brenda and I were going to this fortune teller place. She was driving my hyundai getz (i do wonder why, perhaps cause im aware that i still have not started driving auto yet and she has and stuff). yeah so we went into the centre and we were given these free t-shirts, white, with pink sleeves.

Mine had the number 9, hers had the number 10. i think it was like taking a number and waiting our turn. We sat there and waited... and then suddenly, i got up and asked the person at the counter what time our appointment was.. and she said eight. BUT WAIT! SCHOOL STARTS AT EIGHT!! *gasp*! so we thought, come another day, and proceeded to make our way to the car to get our bags.

This is the weird part =___="

Everything started moving in slow motion. There i was, running, then doing FLIPS and rolling on the ground like a frikkin ninja/spy, and i could feel every movement (and i started wondering if i was doing it in real life on the bed too. o.o you know, the rolling. cause it all felt so real. YEAH I KNEW IT WAS A DREAM. IM WEIRD. XD) so anyway... i flip. i rolled. and then

I fell.

And brenda just casually walks over. Opens the car door. Looks at me and goes,

"what are you doing?"


Then later we travel to the school, which morphs into a hospital because someone fell ill or something. Dunno who that someone is, forgot jor. =__=" Oh oh this is the part i thought was funny XD

We both saw bryan there, and bryan had like this black shirt on with writing on it. So i read it out loud. and it said,

'Somehow in other people's dreams, i always appear to be less than who i am in real life.'

I think i laughed and went 'thats true.'

Kinda flashed back to the times Jaq told me he was in her dreams and he fell off a cliff during rock climbing and stuff LOL all bad stuff always happen to bryan in her dreams LOL XD and then i remembered that one dream i had back before SPM where in the dream brenda had not want to share tips with me (IM SORRY I DREAMT THAT OF YOU. LOL!) and bryan saw brenda, started running towards her and fell face flat on the soft grass and went 'im okay! the grass is soft!' and then i was like '..uh..' then he got up, saw a can on the grass, kicked it, and fell down again. He kept falling down in that dream. It was funny HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Anyway, there were other lines there as well, but i cant remember what it said. I just remember, there was also a picture there. A man in a boat (a lousy one. like made of wood and the flag all torn and stuff) and there was a speech bubble which said,

'I should move to Tatouli.'

HAHAHAHHAHAHA. its like 'i appear less than i am in dreams, so i should move to tatouli.' SAD BRYAN. SAD. oh and i googled up tatouli.

Doesnt exist.


Oh, sara was in the dream too. But she was like OUTSIDE that dream but still in the dream. Its like, in the dream, she was trying to wake me up from the dream i was having and i was like 'noooooooooooo!!'