Bryan in Dreams xp

I had this dream yesterday, which was well, not very weird. BUT STILL! it deserves to be blogged about! Partially also because i feel like procrastinating resting for the moment. (:

Short Note:-
I realise that i only dream of people that are close to me. When i was younger, the people in my dreams were all strangers. Like, this person is supposedly my BEST FRIEND, but doesnt exist? Kinda thing. Oh, but i did dream of my mom, dad and sisters back then.

I still remember this weird kungfu dream i had as a kid, something about me and my sisters protecting this pearl from evil people. it was weird. xp I think it was due to the cantonese series i was watching back then, which had dragons and stuff in it. XD

Anyway, since high school, my dreams started involving some of the gang. XD Now i dont have faceless, unknown people in my dreams. I have you guys! *huggies*

But thats not always a good thing.

Anyway. So what happened in the dream was this.

Brenda and I were going to this fortune teller place. She was driving my hyundai getz (i do wonder why, perhaps cause im aware that i still have not started driving auto yet and she has and stuff). yeah so we went into the centre and we were given these free t-shirts, white, with pink sleeves.

Mine had the number 9, hers had the number 10. i think it was like taking a number and waiting our turn. We sat there and waited... and then suddenly, i got up and asked the person at the counter what time our appointment was.. and she said eight. BUT WAIT! SCHOOL STARTS AT EIGHT!! *gasp*! so we thought, come another day, and proceeded to make our way to the car to get our bags.

This is the weird part =___="

Everything started moving in slow motion. There i was, running, then doing FLIPS and rolling on the ground like a frikkin ninja/spy, and i could feel every movement (and i started wondering if i was doing it in real life on the bed too. o.o you know, the rolling. cause it all felt so real. YEAH I KNEW IT WAS A DREAM. IM WEIRD. XD) so anyway... i flip. i rolled. and then

I fell.

And brenda just casually walks over. Opens the car door. Looks at me and goes,

"what are you doing?"


Then later we travel to the school, which morphs into a hospital because someone fell ill or something. Dunno who that someone is, forgot jor. =__=" Oh oh this is the part i thought was funny XD

We both saw bryan there, and bryan had like this black shirt on with writing on it. So i read it out loud. and it said,

'Somehow in other people's dreams, i always appear to be less than who i am in real life.'

I think i laughed and went 'thats true.'

Kinda flashed back to the times Jaq told me he was in her dreams and he fell off a cliff during rock climbing and stuff LOL all bad stuff always happen to bryan in her dreams LOL XD and then i remembered that one dream i had back before SPM where in the dream brenda had not want to share tips with me (IM SORRY I DREAMT THAT OF YOU. LOL!) and bryan saw brenda, started running towards her and fell face flat on the soft grass and went 'im okay! the grass is soft!' and then i was like '..uh..' then he got up, saw a can on the grass, kicked it, and fell down again. He kept falling down in that dream. It was funny HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Anyway, there were other lines there as well, but i cant remember what it said. I just remember, there was also a picture there. A man in a boat (a lousy one. like made of wood and the flag all torn and stuff) and there was a speech bubble which said,

'I should move to Tatouli.'

HAHAHAHHAHAHA. its like 'i appear less than i am in dreams, so i should move to tatouli.' SAD BRYAN. SAD. oh and i googled up tatouli.

Doesnt exist.


Oh, sara was in the dream too. But she was like OUTSIDE that dream but still in the dream. Its like, in the dream, she was trying to wake me up from the dream i was having and i was like 'noooooooooooo!!'


Invisible post (not meant to be read by just anybody)

I've been thinking.

Yeah, im always thinking. THE MIND NEVER SLEEPS.

Anyway, random. But this is just a note to my future self. In case i ever forget the ideals that i stand by.

I never ever want to tell my kids what they can do and what they cannot (in terms of jobs and stuff, i mean) I dont want to feed them with doubt.

They never should have to ever doubt themselves.

I want to them to believe that they can do anything,
That greatness is within their grasp.

Because it is.

I guess i just dont want them to ever have to be like me. Because i doubt myself so frequently. I get so afraid of doing anything, even things i believe in.

If they ever have doubts,
I'll carry them on with my believe in them.

Cause all thats standing between greatness and yourself, is really just YOU. I want to stop holding myself back, but ive grown so accustomed to it, i dont know how. Im so sick of playing safe. Im so tired of people telling me what im capable of and what i am not.

Because im capable of so much more
Why cant you see?

And now im blinded too by your little faith in me, and though try as i might to reignite that believe i once had in myself, i cannot. I doubt myself. I wont lie. I do. I really really do. So i'll comply to anything. Even things i dont believe in.

I feel like im not given a choice.

I want my kids to know every possibility available to them out there. What they can achieve... and not tell them of the things that they cannot. I dont want to be there standing between them and their possible success, in things that i cannot even imagine.

So if they want to be actors, I'll drive them to acting classes. I'll drive them for auditions. I'll try to make their dreams come true for them. And if it did not happen, and things didnt go as planned. I'll tell them to no have any regrets, because they have tried, and now they know for sure.

Because how would one know if one has not tried?

It is foolish to base everything on assumption alone.

We dont know everything.
Its impossible for us to know everything.

Lets stop acting like know it alls.
(for know it alls are annoying as hell.)

I'll believe in their dreams as much as they would, because all they need is someone to believe in them, as they do. Because kids are fragile. Kids do believe that we know better. Kids believe in our judgement. Kids rely on us to lead them. (golly, here im referring to myself as an adult! IM SO OLD! XD)

They rely on us to steer them into the right direction.

But the right direction that we perceive, may not be theirs. And we have to learn to adjust to that, not change their mind set. Not tell them their dreams are impossible.

Want to be an astronaut? Who am i to stop you? Who am i to say its stupid?
Want to be a rock star?

I say, hell yeah. Go for it, baby!

All anyone needs is a little support. A LOT WOULD DO BETTER STILL. All anyone needs is a little faith.

Everyone needs that little push

All that stands between being somebody and being a nobody is you.

Once upon a time, i was so sure that i would become a somebody. Somebody so big and so influencial that i could change the world. =) Time has changed me. Again, i doubt myself. I really really do.

And now i wonder if i will forever stay a nobody.
And if i will die, having made no imprint on the world.

Perhaps one would say that it would be stupid for me to do so, to my INEXSISTENT kids. Its better to give them a direction to work to, a direction that would be so RIGHT and so SURE that nothing could go wrong. And with my guidance, how could they mess up? I should carve a pathway for them, so they'd never have to doubt.

Who am i to say you're wrong?

I guess we all have our own belief's. But i sincerely believe that its better for them to make their own paths. To embark on their own journeys. To find themselves. To make themselves into who they want to be instead of who i want them to be.

Because with my guidance,
What else can they be, but frikkin fantastic?


And numbing them of their senses and making them into your little robots of perfect is just sad. Stop robbing kids of their creativity. Stop robbing them of their dreams. Stop. Just stop.

Because they're perfect the way they are.
They're just the way they're supposed to be.

Why cant you see?

I asked a person (will not be disclosed who),
'Do you believe in yourself?'

And the person had replied,
'Not really.'

I wasnt surprised. The person's parents had so little faith in the person, and they had constantly reminded the person. In the way they spoke. In their eyes. I heard the sadness in the voice, and i just felt like crying.

And then i did.

Because im not very different. I had faced the same situation. I know what it is like to not be believed in. I know what it is like to have others not expect much of you. It feels so sad. Its so depressing.

One just feels like giving up.
You lose hope.

If thats how people perceive you,
Then maybe thats really how you are.

You start getting that mentality,
and before you know it,

everythings gone.

I wont lie. I cried many nights (and days too! shows you how much i cried) in the past. I had struggled with myself, i had wondered what made you think that way of me. I wondered why you couldnt see.

And then i wondered if i was blind
Was it me that couldnt see?

I had tried to prove myself to you. And time after time i did, but it was still the same. One day it clicked, i had nothing to prove. I guess thats the difference between myself and that person, he succumbed to their believe in him.

I realised i didnt need their believe in me
It didnt matter.

Because i believed in me.

And soon after, things worked out for me. They started to open their eyes. FINALLY. And see me for who i can be. But even so,

Even so.
Even after the countless times ive proved myself

They still doubt me.

And now im drowning in their sea of doubt and filling the tank up with mine. This is such a big step for me, and now i cant find the courage to step out of the safe zone and create my own path.

So i oblige.

Not knowing if this will be a mistake.
feeling uneasy.

Its not okay.

But do i have a choice?

I had forgotten the predicament i was once in. Reading back and thinking back reminds me. The miserable days that had made me stronger.

Why cant i be stronger now?

There are times i dislike myself.
Times like now.

I never want my kids to have felt the way i felt. There are people who rise from it, and there are people who dont. Its sad. Its very sad. You either understand what im saying completely, or you dont understand at all. Because you're can only be either one of the two kids,

The one that was being compared to
The one that was being compared

You were either always trying to live up to that shadow they had cast on you, or you were the one casting the shadow. You cannot be both. I want my kids to know, they're different in every way. They're special in their own way.

I never want there to be any bloody shadows.

It takes you to a dark place.

Dont get me wrong. My parents are fantastic, i do believe they're the best parents in the whole wide world. I do, i really really do. Like i said, they were just following their ideals, which arent wrong. In fact, most parents think the same way they do.

And for the most part, it works out.

But i just believe in my way more than i do theirs. If my kids make it in life, i would want to say that they did it on their own. All i did was give them my blessing. I do not want to make their choices for them. I do not want to restrict their choices to only a few.

Because there are so many
And they deserve a chance to live their own life

the way they want to.

Im feeling emo. Can you tell? hahahahaa. Anyway, just a reminder if i ever forget. Because we do forget, so easily its scary.

Not an EMO post

Its funny how i never used to be this way
and i dont know why i've gotten this way
and sometimes i want it to go back to the way i was

But only sometimes.

Because most of the time,
This way suits me just fine.

I cant help feeling though, that i have lost a part of me. That it was broken so long ago that i cant even remember what it was like. And since i cannot recall, how can i fit everything back together?


Perhaps it just takes time. Its like i found myself, and then lost it. Found it again, and then lost it. And now im on a search again. =__="its like life is so adamant to not let me truly find myself so i would be forever in search.

That pisses me off.

I feel like im forever afraid now. I know i wont stay this way. But for now at least, I am always afraid. I'd rather not take a step into it, because im afraid. I'd rather look the other way, because im afraid.

I dont want to be afraid.

I never used to be afraid.

I like the put the blame on others. Because its human nature to do so. To not assume responsibility. You made me this way! YOU DID!

but in fact, it was me.

All you did was break me.
All i had to do was gather up the pieces.

But i did not.

I left it there to rot.
I left it there to be forgotten.

And now i cant remember.

What now?

The world stands still. My head is still spinning.
How about another ride on them teacups?

What say you?

Ps. Some people have all the luck. They dont even know it. They dont see whats standing right before them, they never see. These people are blind. They dont even know it. I wonder if luck ever runs dry. If it does,

What would you do then?

I do wonder.

Btw, i do know my posts seem rather contradictory, but it really is not. And maybe you dont understand my posts. =__=" yeah okay, i understand that. My posts usually have double meanings anyway. I'll probably not understand it in a few months time. BWAHAHHAA

For all ages

For the record,

My cousin never misses an episode of Slam Dunk, though he's probably watched all the episodes before already. And so, me being the procrastinator and as easily influenced as i am, watches Slam Dunk everyday too!

I've always wondered where i got that gene from.

And i know now!


...oh wait, im not related to that dog. WHOOPS.
Its my Daddy!! XD

Nowadays he's hooked onto Slam Dunk too!
So hooked in fact, he even knows the times its going to start and stuff.

Yesterday was so funny. XD He wanted to watch the rerun of Slam Dunk as Astro was down for a coupla days, but there i was watching this other movie (which wasnt very good, might i add), so he went upstairs...

But mom was hogging the upstairs teevee.

So he retreated downstairs and asked me to record SlamDunk.. HAHAHAHAH! XD Since i was recording the -not very good- movie anyway, i gave in and changed the channel for him. =)


Before Ee left for UK, she caught all the episodes of Avatar. AND AGAIN, i watched every episode with her.... and so did DAD. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Cartoons arent JUST for kids, y'know? xp


'What if like she like... you know, spits on you? '
'Who cares?'
'cause you're so ugly?'
'Its like a kiss.'


Of way back when

I have this need to be blind
(not literally blind, you doofus)

Because I don’t want to see, I don’t want to acknowledge the fact that everything can be so ugly. Everything can change, everything has already changed. I want to be forever lost in that happiness from that once upon a time, forever embraced by laughter, smiles… big wide smiles that don’t seem to fade, just like being injected with botox - only not.

Because we do not need friggin botox.

If I just close my eyes and picture it, I cannot help myself but smile. All the great memories. Just a blink away. I feel as if it’s within my grasp. That if I just reached out my hand, if I just stretched far enough, if I could just push my body that little bit forward…

If I could.

Then I would be there once more, then I would be…

I would be,
I would be what?


Would I be happy?

Was I happy then?

It all now fades to grey. I was miserable, wasn’t I? But amidst being miserable, I was happy too. I was struggling, and yet, I was happy, I was too happy. Hanging onto that thread, was all it took to make me content.

So why did I let go?
Why did I plunge into darkness?
How could I?

Did I realize what I had put at stake?

I did.
Of course, I did.


And I recall now, why I did. Its been awhile since then, hasn’t it? A looong while. I always hide away all the bad, and remember all the great things, I forget why I do the things I did, I forget what all I did had meant.

You’ve forgotten too, haven’t you?

Maybe I subconsciously don’t want to remember, perhaps I want my life to seem all perfect. Roses. Colours. Friggin Rainbows and squishy pastel marshmallows.

Maybe its for the best.
Perhaps we’re meant to forget.
Both you.
And me.

Things were never really patched up, and yet, it was. And now I am…

Am I happy?

Most definitely.

I live in the past. I live for the future. I never really notice the present. And when I do think about the present, I become blinded by my past and I forget just how great the present really is. And it is. It really truly is.

We need to talk.
But we’re never going to.

That’s okay.

A reminder

You changed.
I changed.
We all changed.

But really, we didnt change at all.

We are still who we were, and part of who we will be, but yet, who we will be is still part of us and it is impossible to stray far from who we really are.

Who we were. Who we are. Who we will be.

Its all very much similar.

No one really changes.
Time does not change you.

You cannot change you.
You're still you.

Regardless of what anyone might say, regardless of what you think, regardless of lemon drops and chimney tops. And that somewhere over the rainbow.

Im still me.
I've never changed.

You dont know me, You've never known me, and yet, you have. You do know me, you know me very well indeed. Why? Because you're great. I don't put anything past you. You can do anything. So yes, you do, you do know me, you have known me, you will continue knowing me.

Even at the times you feel like you dont,
-You do.

I believe in you.
Like no one else ever will, I believe in you.

So maybe you have changed.
Maybe i have changed.
Maybe we've all changed.

but dont you see?
Its okay.

Because i will still be me. And you will remain as you. And its still the same, even if it is not the same anymore. Because that is how it is.

All you need to do now is remember.

Do you remember?



1st cake!

Preeetty, i love the way the words are written!
So different from normal cake shops!

I like this picture lots,
But the candles are placed... at an odd spot. =__="

Between my name and the words happy birthday
Girlfriends from college =)

The ones who gave me...

Only one person on earth calls me LIMEY XD
Me loves the card from hsienming! x)

Card i was talking about in my previous bdae post

Made by,
Bryan. Kwanseng.

Spot the bryan.

obviously this was taken using timer.
no one could possibly take such a bad picture.

Mah faaavourite!

I'll never be able to look at the pitch fork the same way again.



My piece of cake! WITH THE STRAWBERRY!
Not just a strawberry on a cake! *grins*

May *hearts* Gang.

Bryans punching me and jeff is...


I dont know why, but i feel like mickey mouse in this picture.
For some odd reason.

Adores EeLing

It was so funny, on the 7th of Oct, i was like talking to her during chem lab and suddenly she asked 'Hey LiMay, when's your birthday?' So i started laughing and went 'TOMORROW!' and she looked at me like i was crazy 'you're lying to me! No, really?! When is it?'

'Tomorrow lah! would i lie to you?'

*eeling looks all confused XD*

'if its really tmr, i'll get you caaandy!'


In the end she asked shereena, and shereena thought eeling was acting like she didnt know so she played along and went,


*eeling looks at me accusingly*

lol. XD

You've gotta love Eeling.
I know i do! x)

Oh and, THE PANDA ON THE CAKE IS SO NOT A PIECE OF CHOCOLATE! XD eeling kept saying 'yeah it is!' and i went 'are you suuure? it looks like.. plastic!' and she went 'NO REALLY! IT IS!' *i still dont know if she was merely lying or really thought it was*

Anyway, i went home, and i kinda poked it and stuff and asked my cousin what he thought.

'you want me to try?'

*cousin bites really really hard.'

'its plastic.. oww...'



Flown all the way from UK!


hehe, fattiebum and THE TALL ONE *grins*

who could it BE?! but my darling KAREN!?!

This bit made me laugh out loud x)

It says,
'Us when older, with no hair,
yet still smiling like no tomorrow cause we have each other.'


Me loves the card, super unexpected =)

BFF for liiiife!!
I know no matter whaaaat, i'll always have you to turn to



People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What time is it?

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To be successful in all aspects of life *YAY!*

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Go HOLIDAY with mah fwen-sy

5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?
Mebbe. Mebbe not.

All my best friends are girls. What do YOU think?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone. I think its truly amazing how one being can love another despite the many many MANY flaws a person may have. =) Dont you? Its so much easier to hate someone than to love someone.

Me thinks its AMAAAZINNNG!

Me loves the people who love me. =)

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Well, i dont. (but unconciously do. HORROR) - but then i stop, EVENTUALLY.

What? im not stupid enough to wait forever. XD

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
ACTOR. perferrably, JAMES MCAVOY!


10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
Yeap! =) We'd prolly still be good friends.

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time.?
Successful. Happy. And married. LOL

12. What's your fear?
Being alone, the supernatural, bugs.

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Wash up.

14. Would you give all in a relationship?
Im kinda similar to LiYing in this aspect. hahahaa

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I'd weigh out the pro and the cons, think about it for a LOONG TIME, write a diary entry about it, and then decide. Undecide. decide. Undecide. And then just leave it hanging and see what happens.

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
I would forgive, but i never forget. NEVER.

17.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
For now, being single.

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will u do?
Squeal in delight and go 'I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!',

im pretty psychic, okay?

I want to tag

-whoops. when i said i wouldnt blog, i meant er... AFTER THIS POST. *ahem*-

seven eleven

Went to KFC the yesterday.
Took pictures.

Relived childhood moments


But. Thats not the point.

Suat Wei and i left KFC early in search for a birthday card for PuiYee as her birthday is well, TODAY. On the journey back from our successful mission, I took pictures,

And tried to take picture of our reflection on carsAs such.
I didnt think this picture was good enough as we didnt look
short and cute.
We just look like we have enormous hips
Big Asses.
So i tried to look for another car which was SHINY, dark coloured and would give a very clear and nice reflection. I spotted this small car, black, with tinted windows and just sorta squatted, stood, squatted, stood again, to see my reflection and see if it was a good enough car for picture taking. That's when suat wei said,
And i registered the sound of the engine.
.... i literally ran away.
EMBARASSING, MUCH? The person in the car must've been like 'WHATS THIS GIRL DOING?!' I just somehow heard the engine the whole time but did not register it cause all that went through my head at the time was,
And the fact that the windows were tinted so i couldnt see anyone inside didnt help. OBVIOUSLY.

18 years old.

Nah, nothing has changed.

Officially an Adult

Special thanks to those who wished me at 12! ME LOVES YOU!
Oh and this years number 1! KAREN! *hearts*
Special thanks to those who PURPOSELY did not wish me at 12
and to those who did not wish me,
So, you must be expecting a picture post. BUT OH WELL, that aint what you're gonna get cause i dont have any of the pictures. =__=" But i shall tell you what happened on this very special day of mine.
I honestly didnt expect anything to happen today.
Cause like, sunway (ausmat) is having Mock exams so i knew brenda, sara, yaw would be BUSY studying and everything. So i didnt hope for anything. BUT SOMETHING WAS AMISS. What?, you inquire.
There i was, walking along the corridoor when a certain white TOFU block was spotted.
Tofu block turns, sees me, Rushes into his classroom without saying HI. Mr Tofu block had failed to wish me the night before and in the morning.
Then, i received an sms from a Crayfish,
'Happy Belated birthday. Didnt know it was yesterday sorry. T-T'
May is completely caught off-guard. WHA?!?!
'Its today la you dufus! Lol!!!'
Crayfish responds,
'Oh! Still sempat wish XD. No people plan stuff one? You all exam is it?'
OMIGOD. I felt that LITTLE bit down. I mean, SURE BRYAN WAS ACTING ALL WEIRD but the whole KWANSENG INNOCENT ACT totally made it seem like, okay nothings gonna happen. and i felt like i got my hopes up for nothing (hopes up thanks to bryan xp).
I replied,
'Sunway exams. Dunno.'
Obviously, by the way i replied, you can tell im a bit *sniff*. HAHAHHAHAA
Crayfish : Oh well. Happy birthday ba. Have a nice day. :)
Me : Thanks! :)
During break, college friends, Suat Wei, Shereena, PuiYee, Sue Wei and Shu Ling celebrated my birthday with me. They bought me a Chocolate cake and a PLASMA BALL!
*zapzap*It responds to sound too!
Me ULTRA loves it! x)
One of the things i've always wanted in life
but never realised that i did.
Anyway, after break, somewhere between classes, as i was telling a racist joke *ahem* to SuatWei, Shereena said BRYAN IS THERE! But when i turned to look, HE WASNT THERE ANYMORE! Then SuatWei said she saw him too and that he was HIDING from meh! So we rushed to the junction of the corridoor in which he turned and.. HE WASNT THERE.
hopes raised again.
Then shereena said,
'maybe they'll surprise you at your house after college! THAT'D BE SO COOL!'
'I dont think so la... Whats the point of bryan hiding now, then?'
So there i was, sorta expecting everyone to show up in college or something. But college ended. and nothing. But i was determined not to let my mood be dampened. After all, it IS my birthday. So, i went home happy and camwhored all the way.


Cousin driving.


Its from shereeeeeena! Love it lots! I've only got ONE hairband (the one you always see in photos) so im really really delighted! AND AND red is my favourite colour toooo! AWESOOOME! XD Shereena was adorable.

In class:

Shereena - Hey, you're wearing red! HOW IRONIC.


Shereena- Do you like red?


Me - Yeah its my favourite colour!

Shereena - DON'T LIE TO ME!


May Loves!!

Anyway, I got home. By now i totally doubted if anything was going to happen. Mom told me we were gonna be going out for dinner so i bathed and got ready. After that, i told mom about BRYAN IGNORING ME and BEING WEIRD and about kwanseng's sms-es. Mom said the following :-



Then mom received a MYSTERIOUS PHONE CALL in which all her replies were



Save for the last two lines which were

'I open the gate for you.'

I knew perfectly well that my mom DOESNT TALK LIKE THAT TO MY DAD. But i asked anyway 'open gate for who? pops?' and she went 'yeahyeah'. I was determined to follow her downstairs as I SMELLED SOMETHING FISHY! but she tried to DELAY me by going


Little did she know, i went into her changing area and looked outside, saw the gate opening wiiiiiide and no POPS walking in.


I ran downstairs, heard mom saying 'SHES COMING SHES COMING'. Walked barefooted out into the carporch and FOUND


standing there.


aaww! ~ x)

Went in, talked. Camwhored. Brenda arrived later as her exams ended at 5pm. Im supah happy that brenda came x) I mean, she slept late the night before studying till 3am. She totally looked all sick and tired but she came anyway! and she still has to study for her test tomorrow *fufu LOTSA LOVE FOR MY DARLING BRENDA*

Got a Pitchfork (picture will be uploaded once i get it from sp) from Bryan and Kwanseng. A mini ring watch from SuPing and Yonghui (which came in a cute box with pretty, tiny roses).


Imma gonna finish the sudoku thing and upload it okay?




Totally unexpected!

*sniff sniff hugs hugs LOTSA LOVE*

Had another cake.

So sad that some of you couldnt make it. Dumbass SORTA grounded by parents. Sara study for exams. Yaw no transport. *sniff* Anyway, me loves you people too! Thanks for er.. trying to come? heh! x)

After everyone left (at around 8pm), family and I went to eat jap food, came home and celebrated, AGAIN. Had yet ANOTHER cake.


Random : Anyone want some cookies?

I had another surprise today too x). As everyone was in my house, the doorbell rang. We were all like 'eh? is anyone else coming?' Mana tau, THIS CAME IN THE DOOR!


For a moment there i honestly thought that it wasnt for me. That maybe it was for MOM. Or maybe it was meant for my sister but my sister already left for the UK. LOL. BUT IT WAS FOR ME, FROM MY LOVELY SISTERS!



