
Dreams are weird.

Yesterday, i had this really weird dream. I was at this dinner, everyone wearing posh clothings and all....nice silky dresses, and...and...i was pregnant. (that was REALLY weird) so anyway, theres this demon guy who wants to kill everyone. I dont know why, but he just did, and theres only ONE special knife which can kill the demon...if he was a demon that is. My cousin, Christina had the knife but hesitated to kill him. i mean, she never killed a soul before, so it was kinda hard to do it i guess. She ran to the kitchen area, where she had become fast friends with a servant there before the dinner began. She passed him the knife and asked him to help her kill the demon.

Who knew, the servant boy was actually in league with the demon. The servant boy started trying to kill my cousin with the knife and my cousin fleed to the outside. I have no idea why...but the demon suddenly morphed in to the servant boy and they were ONE. (and the demon now had suddenly transformed into this friend of mine. crap man...) He started killing eveyrone in sight. One by one. I was running too..hugging a pillow in front of me...i had to protect my baby right? sudednly, i was at school. in this classroom with my auntie (christinas mom), and my cousins and some of my friends. Christina's dad was planning an escape for his family...and when the ride arrived, christina's mom was tired and cuoldn't walk to the ride, i think it was a van...so her family abandoned her. They left her there to die. (OMG)

the demon soon arrived once more, with the knife in his hand. We all ran from him. I of course, being a slow runner and also because i was carrying a baby was slower than a lot of people. I think the demon wasnt aiming to kill me next, but i accidentally bumped into him. His red glowing eyes took a long look at me and the started trying to stab my stomach. I flinched as his knife stabbed my hand and into the pillow. Thank God for the pillow, the poor innocent baby wasnt hurt. i was slashed a pretty good number of times, each time managing to defend the baby with either my hand of the pillow. This primary school friend of mine, (no idea what she doing there...SWT) came up and started boxing the demons face. She grabbed the knife from him and started slashing his face. The demon cried in agony...slowly, more people started to join in the fight and whack him...i think i was kicking him..but then again, i dont think i was causing him much pain cuz, im not one with much strenght. That much i admit. the primary school friend STABBED him with the knife. and we all ran.

The demon is supposed to be dead already you see. I mean, at the starting of the story i already told you, he can be killed by only that knife. We all ran and left the body and the knife there. we suddenly saw this car. I wasnt interested, cuz it looked old and abandoned, who knows if it can function. But one person went to the car to check it out. From inside the car, a hand popped out and killed that person with a knife. i screamed. THE DEMON WAS ALIVE!! we all stood there, unsure of what to do. No, running wouldn't save us now. hell. The demon was suppsoed to be dead by now.

and then...i woke up. yea. SWT...i know. i dont usually have weird dreams like this, i mean, i dont like thriller. and the way the people were killed was GRUESOME. id ont wanna go into detail. =.= PREGNANT!?! OMG. ==, anyone with a good idea of an ending feel free the write it at the comment page.

i bet someone will write we all got killed.


Anonymous said...

how am i supposed to comment on this ...
i have no comment at all

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sorry bout the previous post....

i think no 1 died...but we get to see the baby's dad..which is limay's husband or bf...XD XD

PureViLmay said...

OMG. STUPID GURL! what the hell man...hahahaa

oh, actually, theres this one part i didnt include, cuz it was so damn stupid, but just for the sake of everyone, i'll include the part i cut out. Kay?

actually, when chrsistina went in the kitchen, and she discovered the servant boy was evil, she started flying around the room cross legged (no idea how..my sis explained this 'like ali baba') and she asked the servant boy to let her eat pudding before he attempt to kill her. No idea why, but the servant boy DID let her eat the pudding. Swt..and then he tried to kil her and she ran out and...blablabla..the rest i wrote.

oh..and actually, there WAS kind of an ending to the dream, but i thought it was stupid. Then again, just for you guys....==,

Actually, when christina's family abandoned their mother, it was because she was pregnant and ran too slow, not cause she was tired. yea...

at the laswt part of the dream, the demon had morphed into christinas mothers baby. So we had to kill the baby. Someone said...

'the baby will be most vulnarable at the 6 week after its birth,he will be obese.'

SO FREAKING FUNNY RIGHT!?!?! OBESE! OMG OMG OMG. i have no idea why that suddenly popped into the dream.