The Dog, BRAVER than I give him credit for.

One of the things i miss about London, the rain. I have a sort of love-hate relationship with London rain, its bloody annoying because it drizzles lightly and then stops after a mere 3 minutes or so, and then it continues drizzling. So there's always this internal debate, should i take my umbrella out, or should i just not bother? And this goes on for awhile until you realise that FUDGE im getting really wet here, and you take your umbrella out, but its almost always a little too late and you're already wet, but better than getting more drenched, i guess?

Also, the wind there is freaking annoying, when it rains and the wind is blowing like WHOOOOSSHHH, the rain come at you at a ninety degree angle and its like freaking BULLETS and its noooot fun. Not fun at all. I mean, i guess we have that in Malaysia too, but we're always either indoors or in the car, so you dont get to experience that... face on.

but i'd rather all of that, than the rain in malaysia, because the rain in malaysia is just SO ANGRY. There's all these THUNDER and LIGHTNING,


and its scary, yo! Usually when rain like this happens, i retreat into my room and go under covers and try to fall asleep. So today, it was raining exactly like that and i executed my when-its-raining-like-this strategy, but once i got into my room i remembered my dog was outside and that, you know what, HE WOULD BE SCARED TOO!! so i macho-ed up and went downstairs to comfort the dog.

Its always easier to be brave for someone else. Don't know where the strength comes from, but when someone is in need, you stop thinking about your fear and you just MAN UP. I marched downstairs and saw the boy sitting at the doorstep, so i just sat by him all through the lightning and the thunder, kept patting him and telling him,


especially when there was loud thunder... even brought out some treats to reward him for being SO BRAVE and to distract him from the thunder. But i realised that, you know what, the boy ISNT afraid of the rain. =__=" i mean sure, there was that one time when the thunder was REALLY REALLY LOUD he kinda looked up at the sky, but that was it.

No shaking. No nothing.

He was perfectly calm.

in fact he probably just looked at the sky and wondered,

'where did that noise come from?'

Honestly, i think i needed him more than he needed me. =____=" all those treats for nothing, i hope he managed to finish his dinner. Felt really really stupid after that. Boo.
