Summer III (compact)

Went to cambridge 4 days ago.
(initially i thought it was just two days ago, but i checked and. gosh, im losing track of time. seriously.)
Doing the sheunyeow smile. HAHA

Nothing much to see there, really. Thought the place was gonna be HUUUUGEEEE but a few hours in and we were done walking through the whole place. Hard slap on the forehead, like WHAAAAT?! THAT'S IT?! Apparently Cambridge is known for punting, so
It was hilarious cause we didn't know how to do it at first (like the first hour or longer probably) so our boat just kept hitting the walls. Left right, left right. Like the ball in the pinball machine, so awesome. Then some lady on the bridge felt damn pikcik watching us HAHA and taught them how to do it right. =D
nice scenery. And they had funny names for their bridges. The bridge of sighs, the mathematical bridge. HMM!! shit ass cold there though. Felt so freaking brilliant there in my shorts, without a jacket. =____=" More than half the time i was shivering and then lagi brilliant, we bought two tubs of ice cream and ate that in the cold. lolness!
After punting there really wasn't much to do. walked around a bit, went into the colleges, sneaked around in the places we werent allowed into. We went into this hall-ish area which clearly was labelled PRIVATE hoho and then some security dude followed behind us and we're like OWH SHIT. keep calm, walk slowly to the back exit and tried to go out. push push door, door wouldnt open. Panic. then someone pulled the door open from the other side and we rushed out. looooool SAFE!
Then there was this choir thing we decided to go for at 5pm. Thought it was gonna be people singing on stage and us watching from below. BUT NUUUUOOOOHH, it was a church service.
Hella hilarious.

We were so tired the moment we were allowed to sit we all just PLOP! slept. Save for karn. So karn was sitting there surrounded by people who had their heads bowed down, asleep. He said it was SOOO EMBARASSING HAHAHAHHA and at one point rufus let out this loud snore or something and karn's like OMG OMG OMG HAHHAHAHAHA apparently people were looking. Damn XD

Oh and cambridge is super anal about their grass. We're not allowed to step on their grass. O.O so weird! But yeah, their grass looked really awesome BUT WHATS THE POINT?! Hmm. It was such a laugh when we saw people walking on the grass. Damn syok sendiri ;)

Met up with karen 2 days ago,
(we were making faces)
Damn, i've missed the girl SO SO MUCH! cant believe the last time we saw each other was EASTER, omgwtfbbq. Seriously. Thank goodness for the phone. non-stop calling, call each other every other week (: Girl, you're my rock. I don't know what i would do without you. Haven't laughed so much in a long long time, i had trouble breathing HAHHAHAA And we had awesome jellybeans and some not so awesome ones which just


SOMEHOW slipped through our fingers and fell randomly on er, different places in the park. HAHAHAHAHA OH MAN *tears*

And yesterday, was at ee's place helping to clean up and dismantle stuff. Cause she has to move out soon. That was pretty great.
hsien dismantling the cupboard

Should be shit ass fun if you're mad at someone. Just go knock knock knocking everything down. WHOOOP!! Was annoying wiping down the walls and windows and wood and everything though. SOOOO DUSTY!! So much dust that its just pieces of black everywhere like mud. EEEWW GROSS!! Got tiring after awhile. But whoosh! I do sorta like cleaning, reminds me of primary and high school where they allocate a day JUST for cleaning up the classrooms and everything. Then after that when everythings clean you just sit down and go AAAHH =D Feels good.

And today was Rufus's birthday! =D

Rufus is awesome, when im with him, its never syok sendiri. HAHA its always syok TOGETHER-GETHER. =D There was this one time after MS night, we walked his friend back and so it was just me, him and zoe. We were SO RIDICULOUS. It was late at night and the street was only lighted by the street lamps,

'OH NOOOO!!!!'
*jumps over shadow of a lamp post*
*rufus cheers on*


then later on we jumped over another shadow together. Then we passed by a tv shop (was closed cause it was late) and on the screen, it was playing Pixar's 'UP' but without audio. So rufus and i made up the sounds and the words and after awhile i went, 'OKAY OKAY LETS STOP!' but zoe went 'NO NO! GO ON! im actually ENJOYING this!'


maaaaan (:

And that monkeyboy turns 20 today! Jaw dropping. Not even a teen anymore, how scary is that?!! Went to Hyde's Park and had picnic there, then after that we played Ice and Water. HAHHAHAHA reliving childhood memories. And i (along with dex and andrea) were ice. Gosh, so so tiring!! Throat hurt a bit, think cause i tend to shout and scream in exasperation too much. Bleah! hahahaha

Went to Primark after and saw this adorable COMFORT BLANKET for babies.
oh man, whats wrong with me right?

Almost got it, but refrained myself. Hell yeah to self restraint! BUT MAAAAN SOOO ADORABLE and soft and MAAAAAAAN. Anyway.
i dont know why i like these pair of god awful glasses.


I is geek.
Like seriously.

HO! Andrea is <3

Neeways, early morning tomorrow!! So im off off OFF TO BED! (: Will keep you guys posted!!


Currently listening to: OMG - Usher feat Will.I.Am