Talk to me.

Momentary high
This is what you do to me.
All the time
Again and again.
There are times i wish you'd just leave me alone.
So, Im good.
Been good.
Am good.

Not great, but good.
Not missing home, but can't wait to be home.

Sometimes i feel sort of restrained. Like im not really being myself. I get these short little outburst of me-ness, but i feel soooo restrained most of the time really. I don't jump around and sing anymore. I don't go STARFISH or SUNSHINE anymore. I don't shout anymore, i don't squeal anymore. Sigh.

I miss mah girls and the guys
(haha MY GUYS looked weird)

I guess im still trying to adjust. GASP! i remember a similar post to this when i first started college too. HAHAHAHAHA okay imma just gonna shuttup and try to be happy. I'll find my place soon, and i'll be okay soon, and i will be happy. Everything will fall into place and i will be happy.

But till then. Bleah.

Everything feels very, pointless and empty and, fudge, i think im seeking refuge from all of this by watching series =____=" OMG MY SERIES ARE MY FRIENDS. I AM A SAD SAD PERSON. Im always spacing out, its like im there but im not really there. Always feel sort of mild and whatever-ish. And im so tired of meeting new people, honestly. Sometimes you just want OLD, sometimes you want to have people who KNOW you around, people you can easily talk to and know won't judge you.


(stupid time differences)

It sucks how everyone has groups now and i feel i dont really belong to any? Sorta like an outsider trying to tunnel in, and it shouldn't be this hard. Why is it this hard?


In other news, saw this girl wearing one of the wongfuproductions designed shirt today during brunch and i totally freaked. I went up to her and went all 'OMIGOD WONGFU PRODUCTIONS!!! YOU GOT THAT FROM THEM RIGHT! OMIGOD!!!!' =___="

Thought i found another fan TT

But nuuuuooohh, felt slightly stupid after that (her boyfriend got her the shirt). And yesterday when i was walking back from practice at around 11pm, was zoning out thinking about stuff, and there was this buncha ppl walking past me, one of them (as he was walking BY me at MY side) went 'LENGLUI' damn loud, and i screamed.

Then i turned around, cause i thought it might be a friend or something (you know, like what happened before) but it was some random indian guy with his buncha friends, who all turned around, pointed at me, and laughed.

YAY me.

I thought people like these were left behind in malaysia. I guess i was wrong, NOPE, we still get that shit here. OH THE JOY.

I know i said no more EMO and its still sorta EMO

Its late and its quiet.
And i feel so drained.
