
The other day, Su Ean, Rufus and I went to the old building to cheggit the shaw library (cause su ean and I have yet been to the place), so we were in the elevator and there was this one other lady there too. Rufus was saying,

'i noticed people around here like to ask, how are you doing? but when they ask that they dont expect a long answer, so usually people just say, oh im good. it's kind of their way of saying hi.'

'why don't they just go, wassup yo!'

5th floor. lady got out.

and the 3 of us in the lift were like, hmmm, wonder if she was eavesdropping. (then again, you cant HELP but overhear. =.= so wth?) so we exited at the 6th floor (was it? i dont remember lah) and checked out the library (omg so quiet.) and then went down again, and guess who we bumped into at the lift again! (perfect timing whoop!)

none other than the lady from earlier!
(who was now carrying hot chocolate, if im not mistaken)

So we all like hmmm! same person! hmmm!! smile smile! HMMM! then rufus goes,

'How are you doing!'
and she goes,

'Im fine! but you're not supposed to ask that right? hahaa'



She turned out to be a lecturer, which came as a surprise to all of us cause she looked pretty young! so cool! lalalallaa~~

ps. They cant ALL be long updates.